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World Trade Online


“CBP has suspended multiple customs brokers from participating after determining that their entries posed an unacceptable compliance risk.”

Fri, 4:42 PM

Doug McKalip also will hold bilateral meetings and talks with U.S. agricultural industry stakeholders.

Fri, 2:50 PM

The top stories from our latest weekly.

Fri, 1:18 PM

The hearing, titled “Revitalizing and Renewing GSP, AGOA and Other Trade Preference Programs,” will be held on Wednesday.

Thu, 5:05 PM

Simon Lester: “The Biden administration has yet to reconsider its strategy and take the logical step forward: filing complaints at the WTO.”

Thu, 3:47 PM
By Hannah Monicken

Most World Trade Organization members this week continued to push for a two-tiered dispute settlement system at the first meeting convened by the recently appointed facilitator, but many said they were open to finding compromises and other approaches that would replace the Appellate Body, citing ideas like limits on what can be appealed and expanding the role of the interim review stage before panel rulings are made public.

By Oliver Ward

President Biden on Friday tapped the leaders of two major labor unions to sit on the President’s Export Council.

By Jason Asenso

The U.S. Export-Import Bank has never been more active in Africa, members of an advisory committee said this week, responding to an inspector general report charging that Ex-Im in recent years has lacked a clear strategy for the region.

By Oliver Ward

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative on Friday released new summaries of U.S.-proposed texts in trade talks with Kenya, describing chapters dealing with customs, trade facilitation and enforcement and the environment that cover increased customs automation, transparency and commitments to strengthen environmental protections, among other provisions.

By Oliver Ward

Former President Trump’s proposed tariff hikes would cost typical U.S. households about $1,700 per year, with lower-income families disproportionately affected, a new report finds.  

By Margaret Spiegelman

The Commerce Department this week preliminarily determined that Beijing unfairly subsidizes its glass wine bottle industry, setting high duty rates on Chinese producers that could increase amid a pending antidumping probe.

  • The European Commission and the government of Spain are urging the U.S. International Trade Commission to remove countervailing and antidumping duties on Spanish olives and resolve a longstanding trade irritant between the two trans-Atlantic trading partners, but domestic producers – and one California lawmaker – argue doing so would leave the industry open to renewed harmful trade practices...

  • The new facilitator of World Trade Organization dispute settlement reform talks is asking members to come to the first high-level meeting on Thursday prepared to discuss “characteristics and ideas” for any appeal or review mechanism that could yield an agreement on the issue.

  • The Biden administration is asking Mexico to review alleged labor violations at a Volkswagen auto assembly plant, the country’s largest, in response to a rapid-response mechanism request from 10 recently fired workers and union leadership, two agencies said on Tuesday.

  • Chinese investments in electric vehicle manufacturing in Mexico and how to handle Chinese EV shipments across the U.S.-Mexico border will be key issues during the first six-year review of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, former trade officials said on Thursday, suggesting the results could have far-reaching implications for U.S. trade policy and other trade agreements.