How well can you recognize emotions?
Thank you very much for participating in this research on emotional communication. We will administer a recently developed test that measures the ability to recognize emotions expressed in a speaker's face and voice during a brief utterance.

It will take you between 15 and 20 minutes to complete the test.

You will see a series of short videos in which different actors express several emotions during a short speech-like utterance. Your task is to select the emotion word which best describes the emotion the actor wanted to express in the respective video. While it is often quite clear which emotion is intended, in some cases the actors use fairly subtle expressions and it is more difficult to judge which emotion is shown. If this is the case, just trust your intuition and guess which emotion might be expressed. Please put on your earphones to hear the sound.

In order to compare the results it is essential that you complete the test in one go, without any interruption.