College Website

Theology Studies

Are you interested in religion? Would you like to find out more about the origins and numerous interpretations of the Bible? Do you have an intellectual curiosity about Christianity, its history and its current influence on our society? Are you interested in a psychological and sociological approach to religion? Would you like to explore major philosophical and existential issues?

Such questions are at the heart of our academic offering. In our contemporary context, Theology Studies explores the Christian tradition, its discourses on God and bring it in dialogue with other religious traditions. Our students seek to understand and decipher Christianity from every angle, borrowing from history, philology, philosophy, sociology and psychology, among other sciences, in a holistic endeavor to do so.

The Collège de théologie protestante offers various academic programs:

Our programs are designed to match the academic requirements of the University and the Bologna Process.

We consider Theology Studies to encompass a set of various disciplines that complement each other. You can find out more about those disciplines here (in French).
