
D. Rodila

DianaDenisaRODILA - enviroSPACE.jpg

Diana Denisa Rodila

Software Engineer/ Scientific Collaborator

Email: Diana-Denisa.Rodila(at)

Phone: +41 (0)22 917 87 26

Linkedin profile:



February 2014 – May 2016: Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences

University of Geneva, Faculty of Science, Environmental Science Institute

October 2011 – May 2016: Ph.D. in Computer Science

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science

July 2013 – December 2014: SCIEX Scholarship

            University of Geneva, Faculty of Science, Environmental Science Institute

October 2009 – July 2011: M.Sc. in Computer Science

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science

Master Diploma – Intelligence and Artificial Vision – “The interoperability between Geospatial and Grid Infrastructures”

October 2005 – July 2009: B. Sc. in Computer Science

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science

Bachelor Diploma – “Semantic Annotation based Service Composition for Grid Workflow Description and Execution”

November 2001 – June 2005: Mathematical Excellence Class

National College “Emil Racovita”

Excellence Diploma – Center of Excellence for Youth Capable of Performance – Mathematical class

September 2001 – June 2005: High School

National College “Emil Racovita”

High School Diploma


Professional Experience:

Feb 2015 – present: Scientific Collaborator

University of Geneva, Institute for Environmental Sciences / EnviroSPACE Research Group / United Nations Environmental Programme, Division of Early Warning and Assessment, Global Resource Information Database – Geneva, Switzerland

July 2013 – December 2014: SCIEX Researcher

University of Geneva, Institute for Environmental Sciences / EnviroSPACE Research Group, Geneva, Switzerland

September 2009 – June 2013: Research Assistant

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Educational/Research

July 2007 – October 2008: Software Developer

SC Fortech SRL, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (



  • Guest Editor, “International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES)”, Inderscience, ISSN: 1741-1068 (;
  • Program Committee Co-Chair of the “5th International Workshop on Engineering Parallel and Multi-Core Systems ePaMuS – 2012 – The Multi-Core Workshop”;
  • Program Committee Member at the “Groupware and Online Campuses” track from the “3rd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies EIDWT-2012”;
  • Program Committee Member at the “SeDiS – 2012 Workshop”, held in conjunction with the “3rd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies EIDWT - 2012” (

Research Interests:

Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Computing, Large-scale Environmental applications, Big-Data, Cloud computing, Grid computing, Cluster, GIS, Remote Sensing


Research Projects:

  • RTT – CSExtension – Customization of 3D conferencing software.
  • DeepC – Product Data Management system for top car manufacturer.
  • GiSHEO – On demand Grid services for high education and training in Earth Observation.
  • enviroGRIDS - Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development.
  • enviroPAD – Efficient Development and Execution of Environmental Applications on Parallel and Distributed Infrastructures.
  • UNEP Live Platform (United Nations Environmental Program) –innovative and open platform of environmental information, designed for global, regional and national.
  • EDAP –Environmental Data Acquisition and Processing.
  • LiMES (Live Monitoring of Earth Surface) – automatic monitoring of land cover changes using satellite imagery.



  • University of Geneva, Institute for Environmental Science, GRID-Geneva, Bd Carl-Vogt 66, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
  • Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Computer Science Department, Computer Graphics and Interactive Szstems - CGIS Lab, G. Baritiu 28, 400027 Cluj-Napoca, Romania



Journal Papers

  1. D. Rodila, N. Ray, D. Gorgan, “Conceptual Model for Environmental Science Applications on Parallel and Distributed Infrastructures”, Environmental System Research, Vol.  4/23, 2015, DOI: 10.1186/s40068-015-0050-1.
  2. D. Rodila, V. Bacu, D. Gorgan, “Comparative Parallel Execution of SWAT Hydrological Model on Multicore and Grid Architectures”, in International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS), Vol. 8/3, September 2012, DOI: 10.1504/IJWGS.2012.049172, pp.304 - 320.
  3. D. Rodila, D. Gorgan, “Geospatial and Grid Interoperability through OGC Services Gridification”, in International Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), Vol. 5/6, December 2012, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2012.2217115, ISSN: 1939-1404, pp. 1650 - 1658.
  4. F. Silvestro,L. Campo, R. Rudari,C. Herold, S. De Angeli,M. D’Andrea, D. Rodila, S. Gabellani, “Impacts of EC-Earth Global Climate Model RCP4.5 climate change scenario on maximum daily streamflow quantiles at global scale”, ??? Journal, 2015(6)? (to be published).
  5. D. Mihon, V. Colceriu, V. Bacu, K. Allenbach, D. Rodila, G. Giuliani, D. Gorgan, “OGC Compliant Services for Remote Sensing Processing over the Grid Infrastructure” in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), ISSN 2158-107X, pp. 32–40, 2013.
  6. V. Colceriu, D. Mihon, A. Minculescu, V. Bacu, D. Rodila, D. Gorgan, “Workflow Based Description and Distributed Processing of Satellite Images ” in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), ISSN 2158-107X, pp. 50–57, 2013.
  7. V. Bacu, D. Mihon, T. Stefanut, D. Rodila, K. Abbaspour, E. Rouholahnejad, D. Gorgan, “Calibration of SWAT Hydrological Models in a Distributed Environment Using the gSWAT Application” in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), ISSN 2158-107X, pp. 66–74, 2013.
  8. D. Gorgan, V. Bacu, T. Stefanut, D. Rodila, D. Mihon, “Earth Observation application development based on the Grid oriented ESIP satellite image processing platform“,  in Journal on Computer Standards & Interfaces, Published by Elsevier B.V., doi:10.1016/j.csi.2011.02.002, ISSN: 0920-5489, pp: 541–548, November 2012.
  9. D. Gorgan, V. Bacu, D. Mihon,  T. Stefanut, D. Rodila, P. Cau, K. Abbaspour, G.  Giuliani, N. Ray, A. Lehmann , “Software platform interoperability throughout enviroGRIDS portal”, in International Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing - JSTARS, Vol. PP/99, pp. 1-11, 2012.
  10. D. Gorgan, V. Bacu, D. Mihon, D.  Rodila, K. Abbaspour, E. Rouholahnejad,  “Grid based calibration of SWAT hydrological models”, in Journal of Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., Vol. 12/7, pp. 2411-2423, doi:10.5194/nhess-12-2411-2012,  2012.
  11. D. Mihon, V. Bacu, D.  Rodila, T. Stefanut , K. Abbaspour, E. Rouholahnejad , D. Gorgan, “Grid Based Hydrologic Model Calibration and Execution”, Chapter in the book: Advanced in Intelligent Control Systems and Computer Science, Dumitrache I. (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-32548-9, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32548-9_20, Volume 187, pp 279-293, 2012.
  12. D. Gorgan, V. Bacu, D. Rodila, F. Pop, D. Petcu, “Experiments on ESIP - Environment Oriented Satellite Data Processing Platform“, in Earth Science Informatics Journal, Springer, Vol.3/4, DOI: 10.1007/s12145-010-0065-0, ISSN: 1865-0473, pp. 297-308, December 2010,


Conference Papers

  1. D. Rodila, D. Gorgan, “Mapping Geospatial Applications onto Parallel and Distributed Environments”, in ePaMuS 2012 – 5th International Workshop on Engineering Parallel and Multi-Core Systems – The Multi-Core Workshop, Palermo, Italy, 4-6 July, 2012, DOI: , pp. 443 - 448.
  2. D. Rodila, V. Bacu, D. Gorgan, “Geospatial Applications on Different Parallel and Distributed Systems in enviroGRIDS Project”, in European Geosciences Union - General Assembly EGU 2012, Vienna, Austria, April 22-27, 2012, (abstract). 
  3. D. Rodila, V. Bacu, D. Gorgan, “Comparative Analysis of Multicore and Grid Based Execution of SWAT Model“, in 3PGCIC 2011 - Sixth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, Barcelona, Spain, October 26-28, 2011, DOI:, pp. 273-278.
  4. D. Rodila, D. Gorgan, “A Mediation Approach in Geospatial Web Services Gridification”, in ICCP2011 – IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 25-27, 2011, DOI:, pp 541-548. 
  5. D. Rodila, V. Bacu, V. Ardelean, C. Borlea, D. Gorgan, “Geospatial Web Services Gridification in enviroGRIDS”, in European Geosciences Union - General Assembly EGU 2011, Vienna, Austria, April 03-08, 2011, (abstract and presentation), .
  6. D. Gorgan , D. Mihon, V. Bacu,  D. Rodila, T. Stefanut, V. Colceriu,  K. Allenbach, F.  Balcik, G. Giuliani, N. Ray, A. Lehmann, “Flexible Description of Earth Data Processing over HPC Architectures”, Big Data From Space Symposium, Frascati, Italy, 5-7 June, Abstract Book, pp. 39 (2013).
  7. V. Bacu, D. Rodila, O. Pop, C. Dumitru, D. Gorgan , “Graphical Simulation and Visualization of Human Organs”, MEI 2012 - International Conference on Medical Education Informatics, 6-7 April, Thessaloniki,, 2012.
  8. V. Bacu, D. Mihon, T. Stefanut, D. Rodila, D. Gorgan, P. Cau, S. Manca, “Grid Based Services and Tools for Hydrological Model Processing and Visualization“, in  SYNASC 2011 – 13th  International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-28, 2011.
  9. V. Bacu, D. Mihon, D. Rodila, T. Stefanut, D. Gorgan, “Grid Based Architectural Components for SWAT Model Calibration“, in HPCS 2011 - International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, Istanbul, Turkey,  ISBN 978-1-61284-381-0, pp. 193-198, July 4-8, 2011.
  10. V. Bacu, D. Mihon, D. Rodila, T. Stefanut, D. Gorgan, “gSWAT Platform for Grid based Hydrological Model Calibration and Execution“, in ISPDC 2011 - 10th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 6-8, 2011, pp.288-291, 2011.
  11. D. Gorgan, V.  Bacu , D. Mihon, T. Stefanut, D. Rodila, L. Kokoszkiewicz, E. Rouholahnejad , K. Abbaspour, A. van Griensven , “Grid Based Hydrological Model Calibration and Execution by gSWAT Application”,  2011 International SWAT Conference, 15-17 June, 2011, Toledo, Spain, 2011.
  12. D. Gorgan, V. Bacu, S. Manca, G. Giuliani, D. Rodila , T. Stefanut, D. Mihon, K. Abbaspour, E. Rouholahnejad, A. van Griensven, L. Kokoszkiewicz, P. Cau, “Tools and Applications in enviroGRIDS Project for Spatial Data Processing of Black Sea Catchment Basin”,  EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11-15 April, (2011).
  13. V. Bacu, D. Rodila, L. Kokoszkiewicz, E. Rouholahnejad,  D. Mihon, A. van Griensven, K. Abbaspour, D. Gorgan, “Calibration and Execution of SWAT Models over GRID Architecture”, Presentation to ESSI-12, EGU 2011, Vienna, 3-8 April, 2011.
  14. D. Gorgan, D. Mihon , T. Stefanut, V. Bacu , D. Rodila, “Grid Based Environment Oriented Tools and Applications for Black Sea Catchment Basin”, Presentation to HS12.8, EGU 2011, Vienna, 3-8 April, 2011.
  15. D. Rodila, D. Gorgan, “Integration of Spatial Data Infrastructures with Grid Environment”, in SYNASC 2010 – 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, September 23-26, 2010, DOI:, pp. 269-277, 2010.
  16. D. Rodila, D. Gorgan, V. Bacu, “The Interoperability between OGC Services and Grid Environment in EnviroGRIDS Project“, in 3PGCIC 2010 – International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, Fukuoka, Japan, November 4-6, 2010, IEEE Computer Press, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4237-9, DOI:, pp. 387-392, 2010.
  17. D. Gorgan, T. Stefanut, V. Bacu, D. Mihon, D. Rodila , “Grid based Environment Application Development Methodology”, in Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Springer Journal LNCS 5910, ISBN 978-3-642-12534-8, pp.499-506, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12535-5_59 , 2010.
  18. D. Gorgan, D. Rodila, V. Bacu, G. Giuliani, N. Ray, “OGC and Grid Interoperability in enviroGRIDS Project”, in European Geosciences Union - General Assembly EGU 2010, May 02-07, 2010, Vienna, Austria (abstract and presentation), .
  19. D. Gorgan , D. Rodila,  V. Bacu, G. Giuliani , N. Ray, K. Charvat, A. Lehman , “Geospatial and Grid infrastructures interoperability in enviroGRIDS”,  5th EGEE User Forum, April 12-16, 2010, Uppsala, Sweden (2010). Book of Abstracts,
  20. V. Bacu V., D. Gorgan, D. Rodila, F. Pop, G. Neagu, D. Petcu, “gProcess and ESIP Platforms for Satellite Imagery Processing over the Grid”, EGU2010 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 02 – 07 May 2010, Vienna, Austria (2010). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-14125-1, eISSN: 1607-7962 (2010).
  21. V. Bacu, D. Rodila, D. Mihon, T. Stefanut, D. Gorgan, “Error prevention and recovery mechanisms in the ESIP platform”, in ICCP2010 – IEEE 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 26-28, 2010, pp. 411 – 417.
  22. D. Rodila, V. Bacu, D. Gorgan, “Semantic Annotation based Service Composition for Grid Workflow Description and Execution”, in SYNASC 2009 – 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-29, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3964-5, DOI:, pp.245-253.
  23. D. Rodila, V. Bacu, D. Gorgan, “Integration of Satellite Image Operators as Workflows in the gProcess Application”, in Proceedings of ICCP2009 - IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 27-29, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5007-7, DOI:, pp. 355-358.
  24. D. Gorgan, V. Bacu, D. Rodila, F. Pop, D. Petcu, "Experiments on ESIP - Environment oriented Satellite Data Processing Platform". SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, December 9-10, ISBN: 978-975-403-510-0, pp. 157-166, 2009.
  25. D. Gorgan, V. Bacu, T. Stefanut, D. Rodila, D. Mihon, “Grid based Satellite Image Processing Platform for Earth Observation Applications Development”, IDAACS'2009 - IEEE Fifth International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, 21-23 September, Cosenza, Italy, IEEE Published in Computer Press, ISBN 978-1-4244-4901-9, 247-252, 2009.
  26. V. Bacu V,T. Stefanut, D. Rodila , D. Gorgan , “Process Description Graph Composition by gProcess Platform”,  HiPerGRID - 3rd International Workshop on High Performance Grid Middleware, 28 May, Bucharest. Proceedings of CSCS-17 Conference, Vol.2., ISSN 2066-4451, pp. 423-430, 2009.
  27. D. Gorgan, V. Bacu, T. Stefanut, D. Rodila, D. Petcu, “Grid based Satellite Data Processing Platform in Earth Observation”, 4th GRID & e-Collaboration Workshop – Digital Repositories, 25-26 Feb 2009, ESA/ESRIN Frascati, Italy, , 2009.