Brain and Learning Lab


A distinctive feature of the human brain is its capacity to learn and adapt to an ever-changing environment.  What are the factors that promote such learning and brain plasticity?  Are some parts of our nervous system more plastic than others, making some skills easier to acquire?  Answers to these questions are central to basic science, education, clinical rehabilitation, and aging.  To address these questions, my laboratory uses a multidisciplinary approach (behavior, brain imaging, eye tracking, vital statistics) to study how individuals learn and adapt after training. In the past, the lab has studied deafness and sign language and its relation to brain plasticity; since 2000,  we have turned to the impact of video games and more generally technology use on brain plasticity.

What We Do

We study learning and how experience affects learning.


We use brain imaging to understand the neural basis of learning and how our brain is affected by experience.


We apply methods from cognitive psychology to study behavior and how it changes during learning.

Applied Research

We apply our fundamental research to real world problems to improve learning in different contexts.

Who we are

A team of researchers, postdocs, PhDs, ingeneers, master or graduate students

  • Team work

    Team work

    The secret of a productive team is to work hard but relax hard too

  • Eating together...

    Eating together...

    Good food for thoughts

  • And some relaxing time too

    And some relaxing time too

    Sharing some lights 

  • Great times together

    Great times together

    We do work too... sometimes....