
The propagation of intense femtosecond laser pulses in air and other transparent media is characterized by the emergence of self-guided structures, named filaments. Laser filamentation, and a fortiori multiple filamentation at high input powers, is characterized by the emergence of long-tailed statistical distributions of filament transverse and longitudinal position, spectral contents, intensity, or pattern within the laser beam. Based on analogue driving equations (Non-linear Schrödinger equation, NLSE), they can offer a model of oceanic rogue waves, i.e., sudden unpredictable waves of up to 25-30 m high over a smoother sea.

We investigate the statistical behaviour of filamentation so as to transfer the acquired knowledge to the description of oceanic rogue waves. We dedicate a special attention to  the multifilamentation pattern in terms of phase transition in the same universality class as two-dimensional percolation, so as to offer a novel physical system for such class. These results will be used to assess the predictability and possibility risk assessment of rogue waves, based on the temporal reversibility of the NLSE.


Filamentation describes the ability of a very intense ultrashort laser pulse to remain focused over an extended distance (from several Rayleigh lengths to several kilometers).