
Making Sense of a Fast-changing China : A Cultural Historian’s Perspective

L’Institut Confucius de l’Université de Genève organise, dans le cadre de son programme pour la Formation Continue, une conférence intitulée «Making Sense of a Fast-changing China : A Cultural Historian’s Perspective» par Prof. Jeffrey Wasserstrom, de l’Université de Californie (Irvine).

Voici une brève description de la conférence :

Which of his predecessors does China's latest leader, Xi Jinping, resemble most--and least ? How do the hopes and fear generated internationally by China's rise resembled those that accompanied Japan's rise during the Cold War era--and America's rise before that ? Are the issues that generate discontent in China now similar to those they were twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years ago--or radically different ? These are the kinds of broad questions that the speaker will address, drawing on his research on Chinese history from Qing times to the present and the visits he has made to China regularly during the last thirty years.

La conférence, gratuite et sans inscription, aura lieu le mardi 15 septembre 2015 de 18h15 à 19h45, à Uni Mail (M1170).

Toute personne intéressée est la bienvenue.

7 septembre 2015