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Marcelo CARUSO

Marcelo Caruso

Jeudi 28 juin 2012 : Conférence / Thursday 28th of June : Conference
Principales / Main publications

Marcelo Caruso, PhD, is professor of history of education at the Institute of Educational Studies at Humboldt University, Berlin/Germany. Born in Buenos Aires/Argentina, he obtained his degree in educational studies at the University of Buenos Aires. After his PhD in Munich/Germany, he worked as senior lecturer for comparative education at Humboldt University and then became a full professor for history of education at the University of Münster/Germany. His research focuses on the international circulation and reception of educational projects and technologies in the modern world, including local developments in Germany, Spain, Argentina, and Colombia.

Jeudi 28 juin 2012 : Conférence / Thursday 28th of June : Conference

Within, Between, Above, and Beyond:Pr(e)positions for a History of internationalization of educational practices and knowledge

Not only in education, but also in other social practices, the history of “internationalization” is correlative to the history of “nationalization”. In this broad sense, the conference outlines four main constellations of the links between education and the nationalization/internationalization dynamics. After a brief description of the creation of “nations” within communities in Church and University since the Middle Age, the lecture focuses on the communicative links referring to educational practices and knowledge in a context where the modern sense of “nations”, based on the redefinition of nations as a difference between distinct communities emerged at the turn of the 19th century.

This classical form of internationalization between separate units led eventually to the emergence of a supranational level of communication above nations, basically in the form of international organizations and meetings. These experiences shaped the international communication about education for many decades. “Nations” certainly enacted this first wave of inter-nationalization. The breakthrough of new media and world-market economy during the late 20th century seems, however, to have favoured a second wave of supranational practices and discourses about education beyond the national frame. Only in this narrow sense the lecture refers to our present supranational communication as “globalization”, as late stage of internationalizing discourses and practices. The conference will sketch these main four constellations and will analyze main features of the scholarship dealing with them. It will succinctly consider close related themes such as special education and children’s rights.

Principales / Main publications

Recent published books include:

Geist oder Mechanik. Unterrichtsordnungen als kulturelle Konstruktionen in Preußen, Dänemark (Schleswig-Holstein), und Spanien, 1800-1870 (2010), the edited volumes Der Ort der Bildungeschichte (2009, together wir H. Kemnitz and J.-W. Link) and Importing Modernity in Postocolonial State Formation: The Appropriation of Political, Educational and Cultural Models in Nineteenth-Century Latin America (2007, together with Eugenia Roldán).

Recent journal contributions are "El impacto de las nuevas sociabilidades. Sociedad civil, recursividad comunicativa y cambio educativo en la Hispnoamérica postcolonial" (Revista Brasileira de Historia da educação, in press) the special issue of Paedagogica Historica on Latin American Independences (2010) including the piece "Literacy and Suffrage. The Politicization of schooling in postcolonial Hispanic America (1810-1850)", "Technologiewandel auf dem Weg zur 'grammar of schooling'. Reform des Volkschulunterrichts in Spanien (1767-1804) (Zeitschrit für Pädagogik, 2010), "Liberal governance and the makig of hierarchies. Oberlehrer in Munich's elementary schools (1871-1918)" (Journal of Educational Administration and History, 2009), and "World Systems, World Society, World Polity. Theoretical Insights for a Global History of Education" (History of Education, 2008).

Recent publications:

Caruso, M. (2010). Geist oder Mechanik. Unterrichtsordnungen als kulturelle Konstruktionen in Preußen, Dänemark (Schleswig-Holstein) und Spanien (1800-1870). Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang.

Caruso, M. (2003). Biopolitik im Klassenzimmer. Zur Ordnung der Führungspraktiken in bayerischen Volksschulen, 1869-1918. Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.

Caruso, M. (2006). La biopolítica en las aulas. Prácticas de conducción en las escuelas elementales del reino de Baviera, Alemania (1869-1918). Buenos Aires: Prometeo (spanische Übersetzung).

Caruso, M., Dussel, I. & Pineau, P. (2000). La máquina de educar: tres escritos sobre la escuela moderna (Die Bildungsmaschine: Drei Schriften über die moderne Schule). Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Caruso, M. & Dussel, I. (1999). La invención pedagógica del aula. Una genealogía de las formas de enseñar (Die pädagogische Erfindung des Klassenzimmers. Eine Genealogie der Unterrichtsweisen). Buenos Aires: Santillana. (portugiesische Übersetzung) A invençao pedagógica da classe. Uma genealogía das formas de ensinho. Sao Paulo: Ed. Moderna, 2003.

Caruso, M. & Dussel, I. (1996). De Sarmiento a los Simpsons. Conceptos para pensar la educación (Von Sarmiento zu den Simpsons. Denkanstöße zur Bildung). Buenos Aires: Kapelusz.