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Sandrine KOTT

Sandrine Kott

Mercredi 27 juin 2012 : table ronde / Wednesday 27th of June : Round Table
Principales / Main publications

Sandrine Kott has been educated in France (Paris), Germany (Bielefeld and Berlin) and the USA (New York). Since 2004 she is professor of European contemporary history at the University of Geneva. Her principal fields of expertise are the history of social welfare and labor law in France and Germany since the end of the nineteenth century and labor relations in those countries of real socialism, in particular in the German Democratic Republic. Since 2004, she has developed the transnational and global dimensions of each of her fields of expertise in utilizing the archives and resources of international organizations and particularly the International Labor Organization. She has published over 80 articles in French, German and Anglo-Saxon journals and collective volumes, edited 4 volumes and published 6 books.

Mercredi 27 juin 2012 : table ronde / Wednesday 27th of June : Round Table

Genève, institutions internationales et éducation. Internationality as a construction. A methodological approach

My contribution will be of methodological nature. I wish to study how “internationality” is constructed at the intersection of, and interacting with, international networks, but also specific groups and milieus within different national and local societies.  To be able to carefully “unwrap” this construction, I propose to use International organizations as open social spaces where information, know how, expertise and ideas produced by actors coming from various national scenes are exchanged, denationalized and internationalized. This allows for a better understanding of the role of national actors and models in the construction of internationality. This also leads us to question the hegemonic nature of particular national groups of actors in the construction of this internationality. This methodological presentation will be fed by empirical studies that I have undertaken on the Geneva based International Labor Organization, seen as a place of internationalization of social models. This approach could further serve as an inspiration to study the processes of internationalization of education during the 20th Century.

Principales / Main publications

Special issues

« Une autre approche de la globalisation : Socio-histoire des organisations internationales (1900-1940) » Critique internationale,  juillet 2011.

Articles and contributions

Une « communauté épistémique » du social ? Experts de l’OIT et internationalisation despolitiques sociales dans l’entre-deux-guerres in Genèses. Sciences sociales et histoire, 71 (2008), p.26-46.

Arbeit. Ein transnationales Objekt ? Die Frage der Zwangsarbeit im « Jahrzehnt der Menschenrechte » In C. Benninghaus, S. O. Müller, J. Requate, C. Tacke (Hg),  Unterwegs in Europa, Campus, 2008, p.301-323.

« De l’assurance à la sécurité sociale. L’OIT comme acteur international (1919-1944) » (2009)„

“Constructing a European Social Model: The Fight for Social Insurance in the Interwar Period” in J. Van Daele, M. Rodriguez-Garcia, Geert van Goethem, M. Van der Linden (eds.), ILO Histories. Essays on the International Labour Organization and its impact on the world during the twentieth Century, Bern, Peter Lang, 2010 p.173-195.

« Par delà la guerre froide : Les Organisations Internationales et les circulations Est-Ouest (1947-1973) » in  Vingtième siècle Revue d’Histoire, 109, Janv.-mars 2011, p.143-155.

« Dynamiques de l’internationalisation L’Allemagne et l’Organisation internationale du travail  (1919-1944) » In Critique internationale, 51, Juillet 2011, p.69-84.

« Les organisations internationales, terrains d’étude de la globalisation. Jalons pour une approche socio-historique » in Critique internationale, 52, (2011), p.11-16.

“International Organizations.  A Field of Research for a Global History” in Zeithistorische Forschungen. Studies in Contemporary History, 3, 2011, p.445-453.

« From Transnational Reformist Network to International Organization: the International Association for Labour Legislation and the International Labour Organization (1900-1930s)” in Davide Rodogno, Bernhard Struck, Jakob Vogel (ed), Shaping the transnational Sphere, NYC, Berghahn Books, 2011.