Digital Humanities / Humanités numériques (archive)

Shakespeare in Cologny (Séminaire de recherche du Bodmer Lab)

shakespeare in cologny carrousel-05-05-05.png


La prochaine séance du Séminaire de recherche de Bodmer Lab est consacrée au corpus de littérature élisabéthaine actuellement en cours de numérisation à la Fondation Martin Bodmer.

Mercredi 24 février à 12h15, Uni Bastions salle A113 (Aile Jura)
Shakespeare in Cologny
Prof. Lukas Erne et Dr Devani Singh

The Fondation Martin Bodmer holds over 120 volumes of books printed in English between 1476 - 1700. They include canonical literary works by Shakespeare, Milton, Sidney, Spenser, Malory, and Chaucer, but most of the Bodmer copies remain unknown to researchers. This session will provide an introduction to the early printed English books in the collection, to Shakespeare’s place within it, and to the digital catalogue that will be the product of our work. It will outline the aims and methods of this project, present some of the major findings to date, and demonstrate some directions for further research enabled by the new catalogue.

16 févr. 2016