Popular Literature in Contemporary China: Production, Diffusion and Genres

Papers 发言稿

Ouyang Youquan_中国网络类型小说流行的原因及其局限分析

Xia Lie_影响中国网络文学的几种基本力量

Sao Yanjun_全球媒介革命视野下的中国网络文学

XU Shuang_Chuanyue, Time-Travel Fiction in Chinese Internet literature: Creation, Transgression and Canonization in the Digital Age

Feng Jin_Time-Travel to P & P: Web-based Chinese Fanfic of Jane Austen

Daria Berg-Giorgio Strafella_Women Writers as Cultural Entrepreneurs: Anni Baobei

FrederikeSchneider-Vielsäcker_An Ideal Chinese Society? Future China from the Perspective of Contemporary Female Science Fiction Writers

Jonathan Truffert_Role-Plays and Social Positioning in Female-Oriented Genres of Web Fiction

Zhang Li_身体想象、男性气质与当代中国性别价值观的改变——以冯唐及其作品为视点

Nadia Sartoretti_“Human Comedy”: Archetypal Characters and Gendered Representations in Contemporary Chinese Novels and TV dramas