Orateur: Mark Powell (Université du Québec à Montréal & MPI Bonn) :
Titre: Casson towers and slice knots.

Résumé: A Casson tower is a 4-manifold which can be constructed by thickening a 2-complex built from layers of immersed discs in a bigger 4-manifold. A Casson tower has a height and an attaching circle, which is the boundary of its base disc. A higher tower, namely a tower with more layers of immersed discs, is a better approximation to an embedded disc. Casson towers featured prominently in Freedman's original proof of the 4-dimensional topological Poincaré conjecture. In particular Freedman showed that an infinite Casson tower, which is called a Casson handle, contains an embedded disc. The ability to embed discs was the key to being able to apply surgery and h-cobordism techniques, originally from high dimensional topology, to 4-manifolds. I will explain what a Casson tower is in more detail and present embedding results, from work with Jae Choon Cha, on Casson towers of height 4, 3 and 2. The height 2 result in particular can be used to find a new family of topologically slice knots. I will explain why we think these slice knots are interesting.