Winter School

in Mathematical Physics - 2016

Student talks schedule (Wednesday, January 13)

9:00 -  9:25     Alex Kruchkov, "Increasing skyrmion lattice stability: theory and experiment"

Magnetic skyrmions are vortices of spins, considered to be topologically protected against perturbations, and envisaged as very possible next-generation information carriers due to their nanoscale size. In chiral ferromagnets they form a two-dimensional hexagonal array - the skyrmion lattice. A key challenge is that bulk skyrmions have been restricted so far to a tiny region in the temperature-field phase diagram. In this work we address theoretically the stability of the skyrmion lattice. We demonstrate that tuning anisotropy can lead to dramatic (20 times) enhancement of the skyrmion phase volume, which has been recently revealed in our experiment.

9:35 - 10:00     Olga Chekers, "Wilson surface observables from equivariant cohomology"


10:20 - 10:45     Florian Naef, "The Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra"


10:55 - 11:20     Damien Lejay, "Verdier Duality"

We will explain Lurie's approach on Verdier Duality and how we shall extend it to a broader variety of spaces.

11:30 - 11:55     Huafeng Zhang, "Representations of quantum affine gl(1|1)"