Winter School

in Mathematical Physics - 2020

Student talks schedule (Wednesday, February 5)

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 9:00 -  9:25   Andrea Nützi (ETHZ), "Semiglobal big bang solutions to the Einstein-scalar field system"

 9:35 - 10:00  Nicolas Hemelsoet (UniGE), "Twisted equivariant HKR morphism for torus action and the small quantum group"


10:20 - 10:45  Raphael Ducatez (UniGE), "Analysis of the one dimensional inhomogeneous Jellium model with the 
               Birkhoff-Hopf Theorem"

10:55 - 11:20  Meredith Shea (UC Berkeley), "A generalized Gelfand-Yaglom formula in discrete and continuous settings"

11:30 - 11:55  Duong Dinh (Hamburg), "On the role of the global nilpotent cones in the geometric Langlands correspondence"

12:00 - 12:30  Beatriz Navarro (UniGE), SwissMAP Video Competition