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Asymptotics of even-even correlations in the Ising model S. Ott and Y. Velenik Accepted for publication in Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 175, 309-340 (2019). We consider finite-range ferromagnetic Ising models on $\mathbb{Z}^d$ in the regime $\beta<\beta_c$. We analyze the behavior of the prefactor to the exponential decay of $\mathrm{Cov}(\sigma_A,\sigma_B)$, for arbitrary finite sets $A$ and $B$ of even cardinality, as the distance between $A$ and $B$ diverges. Key words: Ising model, Ornstein-Zernike asymptotics, decay of correlations, power-law corrections, even-even correlations Files: PDF file, Published version, bibtex, slides