Research Groups



CALIPHO (Computer and Laboratory Investigation of Proteins of Human Origin) is an interdisciplinary team which is part of the University of Geneva and the SIB. Managed by Amos Bairoch and Lydie Lane, its mission is to combine bioinformatics and experimental methods with the aim of improving our knowledge of human proteins.

CALIPHO is developing neXtProt, a high-quality knowledge platform on human proteins. neXtProt includes data on human proteins originating from the UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot knowledge base, managed by Amos Bairoch during 23 years, as well as data originating from high throughput experiences (proteomics, transcriptomics, polymorphisms, immunohistochemistry etc...).

CALIPHO uses different experimental techniques in order to validate hypotheses stemmed from bioinformatic analyses, concerning a selection of proteins of unknown function. This study has already led to the characterization of two proteins and other targets are currently under study.

Group Publications