Known TI-99/4A bugs

This page describes the few bugs that are known to plague the TI-99/4A console, the peripheral card DSRs or the cartridges. In short, anything that we have to live with, because it is engraved in ROM.

RESTORE command
GPL MOVE opcode
Extended GPL opcodes
Timer interrupt #1, #2
Disk Controller card
Subprograms >10 and >11
RS232 card
Unrecognized interrupts
Timer interrupts
Mini-memory cartridge
RAM-files with CALL INIT
Extended Basic cartridge
Recursive calls


RESTORE command

Description: The RESTORE command in the Basic interpreter (in association with DATA, not with files) will only work if the program is placed in the VDP memory. It won't work for a program placed in GRAM/GROM.

Cause: This is because it imports data from the VDP directly instead of calling the dedicated routine that checks whether the program lies in VDP RAM or in GROM.

Fix: None that I can think of.

GPL opcode MOVE

Description: The GPL interpreter crashes if a VDP register is used as a source operand for MOVE.

Cause: because VDP registers are write-only, the MOVE opcode is not supposed to accept them as source operand. However, the routine that checks for the operand type does not exclude VDP registers. Instead it branches at a crazy address in the interpreter.

Fix: None available. However, a good GPL assembler won't let you generate such a MOVE statement, so the problem should only occur when the interpreter went bananas and is reading data as if it were code. Which means that we are in big trouble anyhow...

Extended GPL opcodes

Description: GPL opcodes that do not belong to the original set crash the system.

Cause: Provision was made for these opcode to be handled in a peripheral card, with CRU address >1B00. When one is encountered, the GPL interpreter turns this card on and branches to it... without making sure that the card is effectively here. And of course, such a card was never released.

Fix: The HSGPL card has a CRU address of >1B00 and Flash-EEPROM memory in its DSR space. So it would be possible to implement an extended GPL interpreter to take care of these extra opcodes. At the very least, a routine that skips the proper number of operand bytes and returns to the interpreter.

Timer interrupts

Description: The TMS9901 interrupt-handler comprises an internal decrementer that can be used to generate timer interrupts. However, the interrupt service routine (ISR) does not recognizes them and mistakes them for peripheral card interrupt. It is possible to set a flag to indicate that we are expecting timer interrupts, but then the ISR assumes that all interrupts come from the timer. If one actually comes from the VDP or a peripheral card, it will not be acknowledged and the computer is locked into an interrupt loop.

Cause: Poor design. The ISR is assuming that only the cassette DSRs will ever make use of the timer interrupts.

Fix: Disable VDP and peripheral interrupts before you set the flag that enables timer interrupts. (Poor man's fix).

Timer interrupts #2

Description: When a timer interrupt occurs, the ISR gives you two options:

  1. Return to the main program, skipping one word (used by the cassette routines to jump out of a JMP $ waiting loop).
  2. Branch at an address of your choice, loosing the return point!

Cause: Poor design again. This part of the ISR was clearly written with only the cassette DSRs in mind. The return address is lost because branching is achieved by placing the desired address in R14 (thereby overwriting the return point) and performing a RTWP.

Fix: Enable interrupts at only one place in your program, with a LIMI 2 LIMI 0 pair of statements. This way you know where to come back: at the LIMI 2 statement.

Disk controller

DSK.diskname DSR

Description: If the DSK.diskname DSR does not find the required disk it retuns with an error, instead of letting another card have a go to it. Which means that we cannot have another controller card making use of DSK.diskname.

Cause: Poor design. It would have been a trivial matter to just return as if the DSR was not found. I guess the designers wanted a "File error" rather than a "Device error".

Fix: If you do have another card that handles DSK.disname properly (such as the Horizon Ramdisk), install it at CRU address >1000 so that it is scanned before the disk controller (whose CRU address is >1100).
Or: write your own DSRLNK routine, and make sure it checks CRU >1100 last. This won't work with Basic though, because it uses the GPL DSRLNK routine that's in the console ROM.

Subprograms >10 and  >11

Description: Just as above. These subprograms expect the drive number to be passed in byte >834C. If this number does not correspond to one of its drives (i.e. >01 to >03) the TI disk controller returns a file error.

Cause: Poor design again. TI never envisionnned that there could be other controllers around, that may support additional drive numbers.

Fix: If you have another card that handles subprograms >10 (sector read/write) and >11 (format disk), make sure it is installed at CRU >1000.
Or, write your own DSRLNK routine, that scans the TI controller last.

RS232 card

Unrecognized interrupts

Description: The RS232 card contains two TMS9902 serial controllers, each of which can be set to generate interrupts upon various conditions. The card DSRs only make use of the reception interrupt, to signal that a new byte was received. However, if you enable interrupts for only one of these chips, the RS232 card will automatically enable the second as soon as it sees an interrupt coming from another card.

Cause: When it determines that an interrupt did not come from itself, the RS232 card resets the reception interrupt on both chips. However, it does not remember on which chip interrupts were enabled and enables either both or none.

Fix: Have another card whatch for such situations and restore the proper interrupt conditions in the TMS9902. Tricky. And requires a card with RAM in the DSR space and a CRU address higher than that of the RS232 card (so it is called after it).

Timer interrupts

Description: Only reception interrupts are handled by the RS232 card (albeit quite poorly as we just saw). If another type of interrupt occurs, the TMS9902 chip is reset, thereby disabling interrupts. This is a pain because the TMS9902 contains a nice timer that we could have enjoyed.

Cause: Poor design.

Fix: Trap this kind of interrupts within another card (such as the Horizon Ramdisk) and prevent the RS232 card from seeing them. Easier said than done...

Mini-memory cartridge

RAM-files and CALL INIT

! Top winner bug !

Description: The two RAM-files EXPMEM1 and EXPMEM2 become basically unavailable once a CALL INIT is performed, or if the Mini-memory is initialized.

Cause: Provision was made that EXPMEM1 and EXPMEM2 would not conflict with assembly language loaded by CALL LOAD. This was done with two 10-lines routines, one called by OPEN and SAVE, the other by DELETE. Well, this was obviously a last-minute hack because the sloppy programmers managed to leave two deadly bugs within the first routine.

Bug #1 causes the file type to be saved as Dis/Fix no matter what it actually was. Which means that any file you create cannot be read back unless it is Dis/Fix (or program, because SAVE does not check the file type).

Bug #2 increments the wrong pointer! Which means that any attempt to create an EXPMEM1 file prevents CALL LOAD from loading into the high memory expansion (instead of the low memory expansion). Furthermore, the file we just created cannot be accessed anymore because its characteristics are not placed at the right location (>2004 instead of >2000).

Fix: Temporarily "revert" the CALL INIT before opening a file with a CALL LOAD to address >7000. We'll also need to patch the loader's pointers at >7026 (if we are using EXPMEM1) or >7022 (for EXPMEM2) since this won't be done automatically. Finally, we need to restore the content of >7000 before any CALL LINK, otherwise an error will be issued:0

100 CALL LOAD(28672,0)            ! Clear initialization flag
110 OPEN #1:"EXPMEM1",whatever  
120 CALL LOAD(28672,165)          ! Restore it (could wait until next CALL LINK)
130 CALL LOAD(28710,0,0,0,0)      ! Prevent CALL LOAD(filename) into the low memory expansion

For EXPMEM2. use address 28706 to prevent CALL LOAD from loading assembly programs into the high memory expansion.

For more details, see my Mini-memory page.

Extended Basic


Description: LINPUT #X where X=0 gives a "Syntax Error" instead of taking input from the keyboard.

(Contributed by Ben Yates)

Cause: ?

Fix: None that I know of.

Recursive subprogram calls

Description: If a subprogram is allowed to call its caller, you may end up in a forever recursive loop. For example:

100 CALL A 
110 SUB A 
120 CALL B 
140 SUB B 
150 CALL A 

With the black Extended Basic version 110 cartridge, you get:


The computer keeps displaying these "CALLED FROM" for a coons life.

By contrast, a beige style, newer 110 Extended BASIC detects nested calls and gives the following error message:


(Contributed by Casey Vanlandingham)

Cause: Actually, this is not a bug. Recursivity can be a very nice feature. It's just up to you to include the proper controls in your subprograms so that you don't get locked in a forever loop. The only buggy feature is that the error handling routine should not display all these CALLED FROM messages.

Fix: Only some of the old black modules do have this problem. It was "fixed" in later versions...which actually was a problem for people who were making proper use of the recursivity feature!

" There is an interesting fact related to that bug: Do you know the software-house APESOFT ? (was from Austria, a family business from family Peschetz). They wrote and sold lots of graphic programs for XB, but they had this special 'recursive' Basic and USED THAT FEATURE!!!!!!! most of their users got the above error code....and they had to modify their programs. "

(Note by Michael Becker)

Oh, so that's what the "APE" in APESOFT stands for: Austria, PEschetz.


Description: If you place a GOSUB before an ELSE in a coumpound statement, and the ELSE is not taken, execution skips the next statment. Here is an example:

60 D=0 
70 IF D=0 THEN GOSUB 90 ELSE Y=0 :: P=3 
80 GOTO 100 
90 P=1 :: RETURN 
100 PRINT "P = "&STR$(P)

This program should print "P=1" right? At least it does so if you place aything else than a GOSUB before the ELSE. But with a GOSUB it actually prints P=3.

(Contributed by Carsten, Denmark)

Cause: This "bug" is probably due to the fact that GOSUB returns to the next statement, not to the next line number. So the compound statment Y=0 :: P=3 (which is normally part of the ELSE branch, since IF does jump to the next line number) is split in two, and GOSUB returns at P=3.

Fix: ?

Note: The error is replicated in the following XBASIC cartridges:

TI Extended BASIC version 110
XB Vn 2.5 by Tony Knerr
Super Extended BASIC
Mechatronic Extended BASIC
Rich XB Vn 2001

(Note by Bob Carmany)

Revision 1. 7/17/01
Revision 2. 7/7/03



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