Understanding the CRU


The CRU (Communication Register Unit) can be seen as a bunch of 4096 wires connecting the TMS9900 microprocessor to various peripherals. Of course, there are not that many physical lines, in fact there are only three (CRUCLK, CRUOUT and CRUIN). How is this possible?

Well, the TMS9900 makes use of the address bus (lines A3 through A14) to identify the CRU "wire" that needs to be used. A special line, CRUIN, is used for input operations and another one, CRUOUT for output operations. Note that the regular data bus is not used by CRU operations: CRUIN and CRUOUT form a tiny data bus reserved for CRU operations. Finally, CRUCLK is activated (i.e. goes high) to signal a CRU write operation.

To communicate with the TMS9900 via the CRU a peripheral device must watch the address bus. When an address appears that matches its own CRU address, the peripheral places data on the CRUIN line. If CRUCLK is active, the peripheral knows it can also import one bit of data from the CRUOUT line. The CRUCLK line is required for the peripheral to distinguish CRU output operations from regular memory access, via the data bus. It does not matter that the peripheral sends data on CRUIN during memory operations, since the TMS9900 just ignores them.

It should be noted that CRUOUT is only available as such inside the TI-99/4A console. In the PE-box, it is multiplexed with the extra address line A15 (that does not exist in the console, since the data bus is 16 bits there).

Forbidden opcodes
Note that a few other assembly language instructions also activate the CRUCLK line. These are CKON, CKOF, LREX and RSET. Each places a different address on the address bus lines A0-A3 (real CRU operations place zeros on these lines). BUT...most peripherals do not bother with checking that part of the address bus! Which means that the above instructions will be missinterpreted as CRU operations, with unpredictable results. That's why those instructions should never be used with the TI-99/4A.

Address decoders
Bit latching and emiting
ROM selection


CRU maps
TI disk controller
RS232 card
P-code card
Gram Karte
IDE interface card

Hardware considerations

A peripheral card only requires a few TTL components to handle CRU operations. Its main tasks are: 1) decoding the address bus so that the card only answers to the proper CRU address, 2) latch CRU bits during output operations, issue bits during CRU input operations, and 3) optionally turn on DSR memory at addresses >4000-5FFF when CRU bit 0 is set.

Address decoder

Addresses >0000-0400 are reserved for the TMS9901 in the console (it only uses 64 bits, but the associated decoding circuitery answers to every address upto >03FE). Traditionally peripheral cards have addresses in the range >1000-1F00, because the scanning routines in the console ROM search card ROMs at CRU address >1000 to >1F00, by increments of >0100. If you were to set a CRU address in the range >0400-0FFE, no DSR, subprogram, power-up or interrupt routine will be found in your card ROM. Now if your card does not have a ROM (or has no standard header in its ROM), the lower addresses are perfectly ok.

Traditionally, each card gets a pool of 128 successive addresses, i.e. the CRU addresses of different cards are >0100 apart. This means that only A0-A7 need to be decoded; however we saw above that A0-A2 can safely be assume to be zero during CRU operations. We are thus left with only five lines to decode: A3-A7. We could also exclude memory operations by checking the MEMEN* line and make sure it's high, but this is not strictly required: the TMS9900 ignores the CRUIN line during memory operations, and CRU output operations are signaled via the CRUCLK line.

10k |
| +---------+
A3>--o o--+---| A=B | 10k
A4>-----------| A0 B0 |-----+--wwww---+-- +5V
A5>-----------| A1 B1 |----+|--wwww---+
A6>-----------| A2 B2 |---+||--wwww---+
A7>-----------| A3 B3 |--+|||--wwww---+
| | ||||
Gnd---| A<B | oooo Select device CRU address
| | oooo with these switches
Gnd---| A>B | ||||
| | Gnd '04
| A=B |---------|>o----+------> CRU_enableI* (active low)
+---------+ | '32
74LS85 CRUCLK*>-------=)>---> CRU_enableO* (active low)

The above circuit makes use of a 74LS85 4-bit comparator. You can connect one set of inputs (pins 10, 12, 13 and 15) to address lines A4-A7, the other set (pins 9,11,14 and 1 respectively) to 10K pull-up resistors and a DIP switch connected to ground. This way we can manually select the CRU address of our card in the range >1000-1F00 by just composing the binary equivalent of 0 through >F on the switches.

A3 must also be handled, but the 74LS85 only compares 4 bits. A nifty solution is to make use of the cascade inputs of the comparator. There are three of them: A<B (pin 2 ), A=B (pin 3 ) and A>B (pin 4). Unfortunately, when A=B is high the other two inputs are ignored, so only A=B is of any use: we'll connect A3 to it, so as to enable the 74LS85 when A3 is high.

Optionally, we can place a switch in the A3 line with a 10K pull down resistor. This way, the user can inactivate the card by opening the switch, which may come handy if the card takes over during power-up. The P-code card and the Horizon Ramdisk have such switches (although they do not use a 74LS85 for decoding).

The "A=B" output of the comparator provides an active high seletion signal. You may want to invert it , as most chips have an activelow activation input.

For output operations, we must also check the CRUCLK* line and make sure it's low. Note that CRUCLK is inverted in the peripheral box and thus becomes CRUCLK*, which is active low (as indicated by the *). For CRU input operations, we should not use CRUCLK* as it will never be active. N.B. If you prefer active high selection signals, move the inverter to the CRUCLK* line and replace the OR gate with an AND gate (e.g. 74LS08).

Alternative circuit

+---------+ ,------------>CRU_enableO
A3>------------| G1 Y0*|-----o o--+ >1000
A4>------------| S0 Y1*|-----o-o--+ >1800
A5>------------| S1 Y2*|-----o o--+ >1400
A6>------------| G2A* Y3*|-----o o--' >1C00
A7>------------| G2B* |
| Y4*|-----o o--, >1000
CRUCLK*>-------| S2 Y5*|-----o-o--+ >1800
| Y6*|-----o o--+ >1400
| Y7*|-----o o--+ >1C00
| | '------------>CRU_enableI

Here is an alternative circuit for a read-and-write peripheral device, using a 74LS138 decoder. It provides two active low signals, one for output operations, one for input. The DIP switches are used to select one out of the four CRU addresses the circuit can answer to. In the exemple above, the address >1800 was selected. Note that only one switch should be closed at a time (unless you want your card to appear at two distinct CRU addresses). You can obtain other addresses than the above four by choosing which of the A4-A7 address lines goes to a G2x* active low input and which goes to the S0 and S1 selection inputs. If needed, inverters could be placed on the lines going to G2A* and G2B*.

With a read-only device there is no need to check CRUCLK*, so S2 becomes available for an extra address line and the user has a choice of eight possible CRU addresses.

Bit latching/emitting

We can decode and store 8 CRU bits using a 74LS259 addressable latch: let's connect A15 to the D input (pin 13) , A12, A13 and A14 to the S0, S1 and S2 inputs respectively (pins 1-3), our enabling signal (a combination of CRUCLK* and the address decoder) to EN* (pin 14), pull the RST* reset input high (pin 15) or connect it to the RESET* line, and that's it. The output pins Q0 through Q7 (pins 4-7 and 9-12) become eight wires virtually connected to the TI-99/4A console. To decode more than 8 bits, we can use additionnal 74LS259 and a 74LS138 decoder to enable one or the other. We could also use a 74LS154, which is a 16-bit equivalent of the 74LS259.

If our peripheral is to allow CRU input operations a simple way is to use a 74LS251 multiplexer. Let's connect upto eight output wires to the inputs A0 through A7 (pins 4, 3, 2, 1, 15, 14, 13, and 12), address lines A12, A13, and A14 to inputs S0, S1 and S2 respectively (pins 1-3) and our enabling signal (from the address decoder, ignoring CLUCLK*) to the EN* input (pin 7). The non-inverted output Y (pin 5) will be applied to line CRUIN. Here again, you can use additional 74LS251 (controlled by the same 74LS138 decoder used for write operations) to implement more than eight lines.

It's a good practice to mirror each output bit on the 74LS259 to an input bit on the 74LS251, so that the user can determine the current settings of the peripheral. But this is by no means required.

                74LS259                     74LS251
+----------+ +----------+
A12>----------| S2 Q0 |------Bit0------| A0 |
A13>----------| S1 Q1 |------Bit1------| A1 Y |---------->CRUIN
A14>----------| S0 Q2 |------Bit2------| A2 |
| Q3 |------Bit3------| A3 |
A15>----------| D Q4 |------Bit4------| A4 |
| Q5 |------Bit5------| A5 |
CRU_enableO*>-| EN* Q6 |------Bit6------| A6 |
| Q7 |------Bit7------| A7 |
RESET*>-------| RST* | | |
| | CRU_enableI>*-| EN* |
+----------+ +----------+

DSR ROM selection

Bit 0 in a card address space has a special meaning: it should turn on card ROM (or RAM) memory so that it appears at adresses >4000-5FFF. The TI-99/4A manipulates the CRU bit 0 of every card it finds during power up, to look for power-up routines and programs in the card ROMs. The same thing occurs after a peripheral interrupt, or if the user calls a DSR (e.g. with a file operation) or a subroutine (e.g. with a basic CALL): every card is searched for the corresponding routine until one of them answers it. Concretely, this means that we cannot use bit 0 for any other purpose than turning ROM on. Generally, it will also turn on the light for that card in the PE-Box, but this is not an absolute requirement: the RS232 card uses bit 7 for that purpose.

                74LS138       +---wwww--- +5V
+----------+ | 100 Ohms
A0>-----------| S2 Y0*| V" LED
A1>-----------| S1 Y1*| |
A2>-----------| S0 Y2*|----+--->CS* select memory in range >4000-5FFF
| Y3*|
MEMEN*>-------| G2A* Y4*|
Gnd---| G2B* Y5*|
CRU bit0>-----| G1 Y6*|
| Y7*|
| |

The above circuit uses a 74LS138 decoder to answer to memory requests on the range >4000-5FFF. It decodes A0-A2 which results in selecting >2000 blocks with the eight Yx* active low outputs. The one for >4000-5FFF is Y2*, it should be applied to the chip select CS* pin of our ROM memory. In this exemple, it also shines a light emitting diode (LED).

CRU bit 0 is connected to the G1 enabling entry, which means the outputs will only become active when this bit is set to 1. MEMEN* signals a memory operation and is applied to the active low enabling entry, to prevent the device from mistaking CRU operations for memory operations. Finally, G2B* has been connected to ground to enable it. Note that we could have used a switch here, with a 10K pull-up to +5V: this way we could disable the card by opening the switch.

Software considerations

The TMS9900 microprocessor looks for the address of the CRU line in the R12 register and copies bits 3 through 14 on the address bus, lines A3 through A14. It sets A0-A2 low to differentiate CRU operations from the four "external" opcodes and places the data to send out (if any) on CRUOUT. Note that this means that R12 must contain the CRU address times two, since it must begin with address line A14 (whose wheight is >0002). That's a very frequent cause for bugs when writing assembly programs that deal with the CRU.

Once the address has been placed in R12, you can use five different instructions to access the CRU "vitual wires". These are:

SBO Set Bit to One. Sets the coresponding wire as "high" in the peripheral.
SBZ Set Bit to Zero. Sets the corresponding wire as "low" in the peripheral.
TB Test Bit. Checks the corresponding wire to see whether it's high or low.
LDCR LoaD CRu. Sets the electrical state of 1 to 16 wires in the peripheral.
STCR STore CRu. Checks the electrical state of 1 to 16 wires.

SBO bit

This instruction sets a wire "high" in the peripheral, i.e you are sending a "1" bit to the peripheral. The syntax is very easy: bit is a number from -127 to +128 representing an offset from the wire addressed in R12. This is very convenient since you don't need to change R12 each time you want to address another wire. Just place the lowest (for instance) address in R12, and then use SBO 0 to access the first wire, SBO 1 for the second, SBO 2 for the next one, etc.

SBZ bit

The syntax is the same as for SBO: bit is the number of the wire, relative to the one selected in R12. This wire will be set as "low" by the instruction, i.e. you are sending a "0" bit to the peripheral.

TB bit

Just as the two above: bit is the number of the wire you want to test, relative to the one addressed by R12. Another way of putting it is that you're testing the status of a bit in the peripheral. The result of the test is placed in the EQ bit of the status register. Thus you can make decisions by placing a JEQ (jump if bit is 1, i.e. if wire is high) or a JNE (jump if bit is 0, i.e. if wire is low) after the TB instruction. Note that this is anti-intuitive: JEQ jumps if the bit is 1.

LDCR Rx, nbits

This instruction is slightly more complicated: nbits is the number of bits to write, and Rx is the register where to find them. Bits are taken from the register starting with the rightmost one: this one will be assigned to the "wire" addressed in R12. The next bit on the left is used for the next "wire", etc. If there are less more than 8 bits to write, they are taken from the whole register, if however nbits is 1 through 8, then bits are taken from the most significant byte of the register. If nbits is 0, it is understood as 16 and the whole register is transfered.

The main hassle is that you must change the value in R12 if you want to begin a write operation with another bit. Don't forget to double the address in R12. Note however that most peripheral cards handle only 8 CRU bits: in this case you can set R12 once and for all. (Unless you want to modify only some of the 8 bits while leaving the others intact, and these are write-only bits).

STCR Rx,nbits

The syntax is identical to LDCR: nbits is the number of bits to read, Rx is the register where to place them. If nbits is 1-8 bits are placed in the left byte of the register, starting with the rightmost one. If nbits is 9-0, bits are dumped into both bytes of the register, starting with the least significant (rightmost) bit.

STCR suffers from the same problem as LDCR: you must change R12 each time you want to start reading from a different place.

CRU map

This page lists the CRU bits used by the console and all peripheral cards that I know of. If you have info on other cards, please share them with me: I'd love to add them to this list.

In the following text I will refer to CRU addresses as R12-addresses. This is meant to avoid the ambiguity due to the fact that the address of a line must be dobbled when placed in R12. Thus bit 1 is at address >0002. An R12-address is the content of the R12 register, thus twice the bit number.


The first 32 bits of the CRU address space are mapped to the TMS9901 interrupt processor and keyboard decoder. Very unfortunately, the TI engineers got lazy (or the management got cheap) and they decided not to decode address lines A4-A10. As a result, the first half of the CRU space, R12-address >0000 to >0FFF is mirroring R12-addresses >0000-0040. This means that the first CRU bit, can be accessed at R12-address >0000, or >0040, >0080, etc. What a waste of address space! A possible improvement to the TI-99/4A console would be to reclaim R12 addresses >0040-00FF by adding a simple OR gate in the console.

Bit R12 address I/O/I+ Usage
0 >0000 I/O 0: I/O mode 1: timer mode
1 >0002 I+ 0: A peripheral interrupt occured
2 >0004 I+ 0: a VDP interrupt occured
3 >0006 I
   =   .   ,   M   N   /  fire1  fire2 
4 >0008 I
space  L   K   J   H   ;  left1  left2
5 >000A I
enter  O   I   U   Y   P  right1 right2
6 >000C I
(none) 9   8   7   6   0  down1  down2
7 >000E I
fctn   2   3   4   5   1  up1    up2 
8 >0010 I
shift  S   D   F   G   A 
9 >0012 I
ctrl   W   E   R   T   Q 
10 >0014 I
(none) X   C   V   B   Z 
11 >0016 - (see bit 27)
12 >0018 I/I+ Pull up 10K to +5V
13 >001A - (see bit 25)
14 >001C - (see bit 24)
15 >001E - (see bit 23)
16 >0020 I/O n.c.
17 >0022 I/O n.c.
18 >0024 O Select keyboard column (or joystick)
19 >0026 O Ditto
20 >0028 O Ditto
21 >002A O Set alpha-lock key
22 >002C O 1: turn CS1 motor on
23 >002E O 1: turn CS2 motor on
24 >0030 O Audio gate
25 >0032 O Output to cassette mike jack
26 >0034 - (see bit 18)
27 >0036 I Input from cassette headphone jack
28 >0038 - (see bit 10: keyboard mirror)
29 >003A - (see bit 9)
30 >003C - (see bit 8)
31 >003E - (see bit 7)

TI disk controller

The standard R12-address for that card is hardwired as >1100. This was probably meant to speed up disk access by making sure this card is one of the first to be scanned for DSR or CALLs . Note however, that you can install a card at address >1000: if it contains a DSR called DSK1, it can by-pass the TI-controller card!

Bit Meaning when read Meaning when written to
0 Load head requested (HLD pin) 1: Select ROM, turn light on
1 Drive 3 selected 1: Strobe motor (for 4.23 sec)
2 Drive 2 selected 0: Ignore IRQ + DRQ
3 Drive 1 selected 1: Signal head loaded (HLT pin)
4 0: Motor strobe on 1: Select drive 1
5 Always 0 1: Select drive 2
6 Always 1 1: Select drive 3
7 Selected side Select side

RS232 card

The original RS232/PIO card by TI is meant to be installed either as R12-address >1300 or at >1500. The card ROMs are designed to allow two such cards per PE box: the first (at address >1300) answers to calls to RS232/1, RS232/2 and PIO/1, the second card (at address >1500) deals with RS232/3, RS232/4 and PIO/2.

In addition to the first eight bits traditionally used at the beginning of the address space, each TMS9902 asynchronous communication controller uses 64 bits of CRU space. The first chip (RS232/1 or RS232/3) is at R12-address >1x40, the second chip (RS232/2 or RS232/4) at >1x80. In the table below, I renumbered bits from the base address of each chip, since changing R12 is the usual way to address a given chip.

Bit R12 address Meaning when read Effect when written to
0 >1300 Always 0 1: Turn card ROMs on
1 >1302 PIO direction 0: Set PIO as output 1: Set PIO as input
2 >1304 Handshake in PIO Handshake out PIO
3 >1306 Spare input bit PIO Spare output bit PIO
4 >1308 Read itself Writes to itself
5 >130A Status of CTS1 Set CTS1 pin
6 >130C Status of CTS2 Set CTS2 pin
7 >130E Lamp status 1: Lamp on
0-7 >1340-134E Content of Receive buffer (8 bits) Value to load in selected register (11 bits)
8 >1350 -
9 >1352 1: Reception error
10 >1354 1: Parity error
11 >1356 1: Overflow (bit arrived when buffer full) 1: Load Emission-Rate register
12 >1358 1: Frame error (stop bits read as 0s) 1: Load Reception-Rate register (reset upon loading)
13 >135A 1: First bit has arrived 1: Load Interval register (reset upon loading)
14 >135C 1: Receiving byte 1: Load Control register (reset upon loading)
15 >135E 1: Status of RIN pin 1: Test mode (RTS->CTS, XOUT->RIN)
16 >1360 1: Reception interrupt occured
Reset by bit 18
Set RTS pin (RTS=1 only if input bits 22+23=0)
17 >1362 1: Emission interrupt occured
Reset by loading Emission register
1: Abort transmission (XOUT=0 if bits 22+23=0)
18 >1364 - 1: Enable reception interrupts
19 >1366 1: Timer interrupt occured
Reset by bit 20
1: Enable emission interrupts
20 >1368 1: CTS or RTS interrupt occured
Reset by bit 21
1: Enable timer interrupts
21 >136A 1: Receive buffer loaded
Reset by bit 18
1: Enable CTS and DSR interrupts
22 >136C 1: Emit buffer empty
Reset by loading Emission register
23 >136E 1: No data sent -
24 >1370 1: Timer error (time elapsed twice)
Reset by bit 20
25 >1372 1: Time elapsed
Reset by bit 20
26 >1374 Status of RTS pin -
27 >1376 Status of DSR pin -
28 >1378 Status of CTS pin -
29 >137A 1: Change of DSR or CTS detected
Reset by bit 21
30 >137C 1: Loading register
31 >137E 1: An interrupt occured 1: Reset. Bits 11-14,22,33=1 Bits 13,17-20,21,25=0
0-31 >1380-13BE Same at >1340-137E for 2nd chip Ditto for second chip (RS232/2)

P-Code card

The base R12-address for this card is >1F00. Only two bits are active, although a jumper on the card allows bit 7 to control the LED, instead of bit 0. Note that, due to the circutery on the card, the bit addresses appear as two blocks.

Bit R12 address I/O Usage
0 >1F00 O 1: Turn on card ROM + GROMs (and light)
1 >1F02 O (not used)
2 >1F04 O (not used)
3 >1F06 O (not used)
4 >1F80 O 0: ROM page 1 in >5000-5FFF
1: ROM page 2.
5 >1F82 O (not used)
6 >1F84 O (not used)
7 >1F86 O 1: Light on (if optional jumper is installed)

German Gram-Karte

This card has a DIP switch that allows to install it at any CRU address in the range >1000-1F00.

Bit R12 address I/O Usage
0 >1x00 O 1: Turn card ROM (and light) on
1 >1x02 O 0: Enable reading from RAM at >6000-7FFF
2 >1x04 O 0: GRAM enable at 2nd port (??)
3 >1x06 O 0: Enable reading from GRAM
4 >1x08 O 1: Enable writing to RAM at >6000-7FFF
5 >1x0A O 1: Override console GROMs with card GRAMs
6 >1x0C O 0: Switched bank appears at >7000-7FFF
1: Default bank appears (DIP selected 1-4)
7 >1x0E O 0: Writing to >6000-7FFF performs switching
1: Writing to >6000-7FFF writes data

Horizon Ramdisk

This card has a DIP switch that allows to select its CRU address in the space >1000->1700. By selecting >1000 one can ensure that the Ramdisk will be accessed before the floppies.

Bit R12 address I/O Usage
0 >1x00 O 1: Turn card ROM (and light) on
1 >1x02 O Page selector
2 >1x04 O Ditto
3 >1x06 O Ditto
4 >1x08 O Ditto
5 >1x0A O Ditto
6 >1x0C O Ditto
7 >1x0E O Ditto
8 >1x210 O Ditto
9 >1x12 O Ditto
10 >1x14 O Ditto
11 >1x16 O Ditto
12 >1x18 O Ditto
13 >1x1A O Ditto
14 >1x1C O Ditto
15 >1x1E O 0: Ramdisk mode 1: RAMBO mode

IDE interface card

The base address for this card can be set with a DIP-switch to any address between >1000 and >1F00. Since this is a user-built card, not all CRU bits may be implemented, or they may be shuffled around. The software compensates for this. Below are the default settings:

Bit R12 address Effect when written to Meaning when read
0 >1x00 1: Turn card on IRQ pin of the IDE interface
1 >1x02 = DIP-switch: registers map at >4000-40FF
<> switch: SRAM maps at >4000-40FF
Read the position of the DIP-switch
2 >1x04 1: Enable SRAM page switching Reads itself
3 >1x06 1: Fix page #0 at >4000-4FFF Reads itself
4 >1x08 1: Enable RAMBO banks in >6000-7FFF Reads itself
5 >1x0A 1: Write-protect the SRAM Reads itself
6 >1x0C not used not used
7 >1x0E 1: reset the drives (inverted to IDE pin RST*) .

Revision 1. 3/25/99 OK to release
Revision 2. 9/1/99 VDP+periph interrupts were inverted!
Revision 3. 3/19/01 Changed the decoder schematics (include MEMEN*, correct 74LS85 behaviour).
Revision 4. 9/9/01 Added p-code card CRU.
Revision 5. 9/22/01 Added my IDE card.

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