The keyboard

The keyboard is internally organised as 6 columns of 8 keys. Note that both shift keys are connected together and that the alpha-lock key has its own "column" connection. Presing a key closes the connection between a column and a row, thus the CPU can detect a key by energizing columns one at a time and reading the status of the rows.

Internal connector
CRU map
Phantom keys

Built-in routines
Quick scanning routines
Auto-repeat keys
Interrupt-activating keys

Keyboard tutorial and challenge



The keyboard in connected to the console mother board by a 16-pin connector that is only appearent when opening the console. Pin number 1 should be labelled as such on the motherboard. Wire number 15 on the keyboard cable is generally red, whereas other wires are green.

 1 Keyboard row 2 (enter O I U Y P joystick_right)
2 Keyboard row 3 ( <nc> 9 8 7 6 0 joystick_down)
3 Keyboard row 5 (shift S D F G A)
4 Keyboard row 1 (space L K J H ; joystick_left)
5 Keyboard row 0 ( = . , m n / joystick_fire)
6 Keyboard alpha-lock key
7 Keyboard row 4 (fctn 2 3 4 5 1 joystick_up alpha_lock)
8 Keyboard column 5 ( / ; P 0 1 A Q Z)
9 Keyboard column 4 ( N H Y 6 5 G T B)
10 Keyboard row 6 (ctrl W E R T Q)
11 Keyboard row 7 (<nc> X C V B Z)
12 Keyboard column 0 (= space enter <nc> fctn shift ctrl <nc>)
13 Keyboard column 1 (. L O 9 2 S W X)
14 Keyboard column 2 (, K I 8 3 D E C)
15 Keyboard column 3 (M J U 7 4 F R V)

Internal circuitery

The keyboard is organised as 6 columns of 8 keys. The columns are connected to six of the open collector outputs of a 74LS156 and pulled up to +5V via 1K resistors (the remaining two outputs are used for joysticks). The keyboard rows (and joystick inputs) are connected to the inputs of the TMS9901 programmable system interface and pulled up at +5V via 10K resistors. The TMS9901 also controls the decoder in charge of the row selection. Pressing a key results in physically connecting the wires connected to this column and that row.

9901                                   1K       10 pF
------+ 74LS156 +5V---WWW---+---||---Gnd
| +-----------+ |
P2 |-----------| S0 1Y0*|--------------+---UUU------> Keyboard connector
P3 |-----------| S1 1Y1*|--- Ditto 6.8 uH
P4 |-------+---| 1GA* 2Y0*|--- Ditto 1K
| '---| 2GA* 2Y1*|--- Ditto ,---WWW---+----+5V
| | 2Y2*|--- Ditto | ,----'
| ,---| 1GB* 2Y3*|--- Ditto | |/
| +---| 2GB* 1Y2*|-------------+--|
| | | 1Y3*|--- Ditto |\ 270 Ohm 10 Ohm
| Gnd | | 1.5K V-+---WWW---+---WWW---> Joystick
| | | -5V---WWW------' '---||---Gnd
| +-----------+ 10 pF
| 10K 10 pF
| +5V---WWW---+---||---Gnd
| |
INT3* |------------------------------------+---WWW-----+---< Keyboard connector
INT4* |--- Ditto 470 Ohms |
INT5* |--- Ditto '---< Joystick connector
INT6* |--- Ditto
INT7* |--- Ditto
INT8* |--- Ditto
INT9* |--- Ditto
INT10*|--- Ditto
P5 |--- Ditto (output to alpha-lock key)

To scan the keyboard, we must first activate a column by sending its number to CRU bit 18-20 at R12-address >0024. The bits are fed to the 74LS156 decoder that brings the corresponding keyboard column low. Then we must read the status of each keyboard row in CRU bits 3-10 at R12-address >0006. If a key is pressed the row will read as 0, otherwise it reads as 1 (non-intuituve!).

CRU map

Here is the keyboard layout in terms of CRU:

. Column 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A-lock
R12 address Pin # 12 13 14 15 9 8 J7 J2 6
>0006 5/J4 = . , M N / Fire Fire
>0008 4/J5 Space L K J H ; Left Left
>000A 1/J9 Enter O I U Y P Right Right
>000C 2/J8
9 8 7 6 0 Down Down
>000E 7/J3 Fctn 2 3 4 5 1 Up Up A-lock
>0010 3 Shift S D F G A

>0012 10 Ctrl W E R T Q

>0014 11

The alpha-lock key is activated by the TMS9901 output P5 (R12 address >002A) and reads together with keyboard row 4. This has the very unfortunate effect of messing up the joystick "up" signal when the alpha-lock key is engaged. Why the TI engineers did not pick row 7 (pin #11) instead, is a mystery to me.

Phantom keys

We can now explain the phenomenon known as "phantom key": when you press three keys together, the console may detect a fourth key, even if it isn't pressed. This occurs when the keys you pressed occupy the three corners of a square in the above table: the phantom key is the one on the fourth corner.

For instance, suppose you pressed Ctrl-Shift-S. When the processor tests column 0, it brings pin 12 low. Since both <Shift> and <Ctrl> are pressed, both pin 3 and pin 10 will be low and CRU bits 8 and 9 read as 0. So far, so good. But let's see what happens when testing column 1. Pin 13 goes low and, since <S> is pressed, so does pin 3 thus bit 8 reads as 0. BUT, since the <Shift> key is placed on the same row, column 0 will also go low, and since <Ctrl> is down, pin 10 goes low and bit 9 reads as 0. Which creates the illusion that <W> was pressed. See what I mean?

All this is due to the fact that electrons can flow back from a row to a column. To prevent this from happening we would need to install a diode at each key. That's something you should consider if you ever wanted to create a piano keyboard for the TI-99/4A. On a piano it is very common that 3 or more keys are pressed. On a computer on the other hand, it is rare to press more than two keys, so we can live with the phantom key problem. Also note that some multiple key combinations are ok, if the three keys are aligned on the same column (Ctrl-Shift-=), on the same row (1-2-3), or do not form a square (Ctrl-Shift-1).


Built-in keyboard scanning routines

This is the standard way to call the built-in keyboard scanning routine in the console ROM. Note that we must change the workspace to >83E0 using a LWPI instruction, and not a BLWP. This is because R13 to R15 in the >83E0 workspace are used to hold special values that should not be erased (GROM base, various flags, VDP write-address port). To save space, I have placed my WREGS workspace in such a way that R0-R12 are overwritten by the program, you don't have to do that if you don't want to.

On the other hand, the test for Fctn-4 can be called with any workspace, as it only uses R12.

* Calls the built-in keyboard scanning in console ROM

KSCAN1 LWPI >83E0 can't change WS with BLWP as R13-R15 are in use
MOV R11,@OLDR11 save GPL R11
BL @>000E call keyboard scanning routine
MOV @OLDR11,R11 restore GPL R11
       BSS  6               R13-R15
* Caller routine
       BLWP @KSCAN
MOVB @>837C,R1 Check flag for key pressed
SLA R1,3 Flag value is >20
JNC NOKEY No key was pressed
MOVB @>8375,R1 Get key code
* Calling the built-in Fctn-4 test in console ROM
TESTF4 BL @>0020 R12 will be modified
JEQ CLEAR Fctn-4 was pressed
JNE NOCLR It wasn't

Quick keyboard scanning routines

Now, some home-made routine. The first one checks whether a key is down. If yes, it calls the standard KSCAN routine to get the ASCII code, otherwise it just returns. This speeds up programs that needs to perform a lot of operations while still watching the keyboard: no need to call the slow KSCAN routine if no key is pressed. A similar routine could be used to wait until the key has been released.

* Quick-and-dirty check to see if a key is pressed.
* If not return in a hurry,
* else call the standard scanning routine.
* Uses R1, R2 and R12.
KCHECK CLR R1 Start with column 0
LP1 LI R12,>0024 R12-address for column selection
LDCR R1,3 Select a column
LI R12,>0006 R12-address to read rows
SETO R2 Make sure all bits are 1
STCR R2,8 Get 8 row values
INV R2 Since pressed keys read as 0
JNE KPR A key was pressed
AI R1,>0100 Next column
CI R1,>0600 Are we done
JNE LP1 Not yet
B *R11 No key pressed: return (with EQ bit set)

INCT R11 (either) signal key by skipping a jump
* MOV R2,R2 (or) signal key by clearing the EQ bit
B *R11 Return

Depending on the signaling technique chosen, the main program calls the routine either like this:

* Caller routine
BL @KCHECK Assuming the INCT R11 solution
JMP GOON Keep going
... Process key

or like that (slightly faster since JNE is not taken when no key is detected).

* Caller routine
BL @KCHECK Assuming the MOV R2,R2 solution
JNE KEY Process key
JEQ NOKEY Keep going

Of course things are even easier if we only want to check for one key or for a combination of keys located on the same column (and now you know why <QUIT> is Fctn-=). No need for a loop, just test the appropriate column:

* Routine to detect a key combination (in this case Fctn-=),
* returns with Eq bit set if this is the case.
* This routine alters R12 and R1
ISQUIT CLR R1 Test column 0
LI R12,>0024 Address for column selection
LDCR R1,3 Select column
LI R12,>0006 Address to read rows
ANDI R1,>1100 Mask all irrelevant bits
B *R11 Else return

* Routine to detect a specific key (in this case <enter>),
* it returns with Eq bit set if <enter> was NOT pressed.
* Alters R12 only
ISENTR CLR R1 Test column 0
LI R12,>0024 Address for column selection
LDCR R12,3 Select column
TB -13 Test R12-address >000A, i.e <enter>
B *R11 <enter> was not pressed: return
* Caller routine

Note that the "negative TB" trick would also have worked for <QUIT> (using two tests of course).

Auto-repeat keys

In TI-Basic, if you hold a key down for a moment, it begins repeating itself at high speed. This feature is not included in the console KSCAN routine. Rather, KSCAN only detect changes, which requires a key to be released (or another key pressed) before it can be repeated. Let's see if we can get around that.

We all know the canonic addresses to be used with KSCAN:
>8374 contains the keyboard argument.
>8375 returns the key code, or >FF if no key was pressed.
>8376 returns the X-value for a joystick (0,4, or >FC).
>8377 returns the X-value for a joystick.
>837C bit 2 (value >20) is set if a key was pressed.
>83E0 Workspace used by KSCAN.
>000E Branch vector for the KSCAN routine

Now, how does KSCAN know that the key was pressed before? Well, it just stores a key scan code (not the standard ascii code) in a given address. In fact, there are three such addresses, one for each keyboard argument 0, 4 and 5. Another address is used to remember the current keyboard argument, to be used when KSCAN is called with >00 in byte >8374.

>83C6 Contains the default keyboard argument minus 3 (i.e. 0-2).
>83C7 Contains keyboard column 0 (special keys).
>83C8 Scan code of current key, whatever keyboard type.
>83C9 Ditto for keyboard type 4 (Pascal).
>83CA Ditto for keyboard type 5 (Standard).

So, by clearing the relevant byte, we ensure that KSCAN always returns with the >20 bit set in >837C, even if the same key was held down. Of course, we must now include a delay loop to avoid the key being repeated at ultra-fast speed. In fact, we probably want two types of delay: how long before the repeat operation begins and how long between each repetition. The second delay is typically much smaller that the first.

* Keyboard scanning with auto-repeat.
* Put even values in R0 and R1 either at assembly or at run time.
* Put an odd value in R0 to disable auto-repeat.

MSK1 C R2,R1 Are we repeating?
MOVB R4,@>8374 Set keyboard argument
MOV R0,R2 Initially, use long delay

MSK2 MOV R2,R6 Reload delay
MSL1 SETO @>83C8 Erase previous key's scan code
MOVB @>83C8,@>83CA Ditto for keyboard 5
LWPI >83E0
BL @>000E Call scanning routine
MOVB @>8375,R11 Get key's ascii code
CB R11,R3 Same as before?
DECT R6 Yes: wait. Never zero if odd delay
JNE MSL1 Keep scanning (as key could change)
MOV R1,R2 Done with waiting: load repeat delay
JMP USEKEY Do first repetition

NEWKEY MOVB @>8375,R3 Memorize current key (will be >FF if no key)
MOV R0,R2 Load initial delay
USEKEY MOVB R3,*R13 Pass key to caller, in R0
MOVB @>837C,11 Signal key pressed, if any
ANDI 11,>2000 Keep only "key pressed" flag
SOCB 11,15 Transfer it into Eq bit of caller
RTWP Return to caller
WREGS1 DATA >0080 R0: Time before auto-repeat kicks in
DATA >0020 R1: Delay between repeats
DATA >0080 R2: Current delay
DATA >FF00 R3: Key buffer
DATA >0500 R4: Keyboard argument
BSS 24 R4-R15

An interrupt-driven keyboard?

Given the way the keyboard is wired, it is not possible to set it in such a way that pressing any key would generate an interrupt. On the other hand, it is possible to set it so that a subset of keys (a column) trigger an interrupt when pressed. This provides us with an alternative to the quick-scan routines described above.

For a description of this feature, check the page dealing with the TMS9901.

Revision 1. 2/13/99 OK to release
Revision 2. 3/31/99 Polishing
Revision 3. 5/30/99 Tested & debugged examples

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