Marcos Gonzalez-Gaitan

New NATURE paper out !

A new paper of the Gonzalez-Gaitan lab in Nature !



We have described the mechanism of Dpp gradient expansion and scaling focusing on what changes at the single cell level. We discovered that scaling is achieved through a fine-tuned control of the Dpp trafficking machinery in each cell. Dpp is internalized in cells by endocytosis and can be recycled back to the extracellular space. Therefore endocytosed Dpp inside cells contribute to Dpp dissemination in the tissue as a gradient. As the tissue grows, a higher and higher proportion of internalized Dpp molecules can contribute to transport, expanding the gradient as the tissue grows: this way the gradient scales.



DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04346-w

Unige Press:


March 1, 2012