Photophysical and photochemical properties of transition metal compounds are increasingly being made use of in advanced technological applications. It is thus of more than just academic interest to fully understand the fundamental photophysical and photochemical processes, such as laser-induced luminescence, intersystem crossing, internal conversion, excitation energy transfer, light-induced electron transfer etc, and the parameters which govern their rates and quantum efficiencies.

Our research interests are focussed on establishing relationships between structural, electronic and energetic parameters, and the dynamics of elementary radiationless processes at a molecular level. Spin-crossover compounds, three-dimensional metal-tris-oxalate networks and TTF complexes serve as model systems for their investigation.

The experimental methods we use are optical spectroscopy in condensed media. This includes straightforward polarised single crystal absorption and luminescence techniques as well as time-resolved methods and advanced high resolution laser spectroscopy at cryogenic temperatures.

H. Hagemann et al.

Spectroscopic and structural research
on potential hydrogen
storage materials

Optical properties of Sm2+
in inorganic lattices
as a function of pressure and temperature

Experimental studies of
luminescent materials
related to persistent phosphors

Last modified 2017/11/10 by ES