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  • Ground-State Electronic Structure of Vanadium(III) Trisoxalate in Hydrated Compounds
    K.R. Kittilstved, L. Aboshyan Sorgho, N. Amstutz, P.L.W. Tregenna-Piggott and A. Hauser
    Inorganic Chemistry, 48 (16) (2009), p7750-7764
    Keywords: high-resolution spectroscopy, zero-field splittings, anisotropic ligand fields, hydrogen bonding
    DOI:10.1021/ic900613p | unige:3542 | Abstract | Article HTML | Article PDF
The ground-state electronic structures of K3V(ox)3·3H2O, Na3V(ox)3·5H2O, and NaMgAl1–xVx(ox)3·9H2O (0 < x <= 1, ox = C2O42–) have been studied by Fourier–transform electronic absorption and inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopies. High-resolution absorption spectra of the 3Γ(t2g2) → 1Γ(t2g2) spin-forbidden electronic origins and inelastic neutron scattering measurements of the pseudo-octahedral [V(ox)3]3– complex anion below 30 K exhibit both axial and rhombic components to the zero-field-splittings (ZFSs). Analysis of the ground-state ZFS using the conventional S = 1 spin Hamiltonian reveals that the axial ZFS component changes sign from positive values for K3V(ox)3·3H2O (D ≈ +5.3 cm–1) and Na3V(ox)3·5H2O (D ≈ +7.2 cm–1) to negative values for NaMgAl1–xVx(ox)3·9H2O (D ≈ –9.8 cm–1 for x = 0.013, and D ≈ –12.7 cm–1 for x = 1) with an additional rhombic component, |E|, that varies between 0.8 and 2 cm–1. On the basis of existing crystallographic data, this phenomenon can be identified as due to variations in the axial and rhombic ligand fields resulting from outer-sphere H-bonding between crystalline water molecules and the oxalate ligands. Spectroscopic evidence of a crystallographic phase change is also observed for K3V(ox)3·3Y2O (Y = H or D) with three distinct lattice sites below 30 K, each with a unique ground-state electronic structure.


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Last update Friday December 08 2017