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  • High-spin → low-spin relaxation in the two-step spin-crossover compound [Fe(pic)3]Cl2·EtOH (pic = 2-picolylamine)
    H. Romstedt, A. Hauser and H. Spiering
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 59 (2) (1998), p265-275
    Keywords: Fe(II) compunds, high spin-low spin relaxation, two-step spin transition
    DOI:10.1016/S0022-3697(97)00142-X | unige:2764 | Abstract | Article PDF
The spin-crossover compound [Fe(pic)3]Cl2EtOH (pic = 2-picolylamine) shows an unusual two-step spin transition. This is thought to be caused by specific nearest-neighbour interactions and short-range correlations and requires a theoretical treatment of the elastic interactions between the spin-changing molecules beyond the mean-field approximation. Such short-range correlations also influence the high-spin → low-spin relaxation following the light-induced population of the high-spin state at cryogenic temperatures, leading to characteristic deviations from the predictions of a mean-field treatment. These deviations are directly observable by comparison of the full and unperturbed relaxation curves with curves for which the short-range correlations were destroyed using an appropriate irradiation technique. Monte Carlo simulations including both nearest-neighbour and long-range interactions give a description of the observed relaxation curves which is consistent with the thermal spin equilibrium.


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Last update Friday December 08 2017