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  • Patterns during photoexcitation and high-spin -> low-spin relaxation in [Fe(Ptz)6](BF4)2 spin transition crystal
    J. Jeftic, F. Varret, A. Hauser, O. Roubeau, M. Matsarski and J.-P. Rivera
    Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 335 (1999), p511-520
    Keywords: spin transition, photography, laser photoexcitation, instability
    DOI:10.1080/10587259908028892 | unige:17026 | Abstract | Article PDF
The propagation of the high-spin (HS) → low-spin (LS) relaxation at 53 K in a single crystal of the iron (II) spin-crossover compound [Fe(ptz)6](BF4)2 was followed by photography, after inducing the local photoexcitation to the metastable HS state at 20 K using the single wavelength (457 nm Ar± ion laser) irradiation. The photoinduced formation of the HS—LS patterns with a characteristic diameter of some 0.1 mm was observed to occur inhomogeneously at a macroscopic scale already during photoexcitation. The contrast between the HS (transparent) and the LS (purple) regions was amplified during relaxation. The effect is described in terms of a transient instability, for which a microscopic model in the mean-field approximation is proposed. The mechanism for the development of patterns at the macroscopic scale is discussed.


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