• Cobalt(II)-tris-2,2'-bipyridine as a Spin-Crossover Complex: Evidence for Cooperative Effects in Three-Dimensional Oxalate Networks
    M. Zerara and A. Hauser
    ChemPhysChem, 5 (3) (2004), p395-399
    DOI:10.1002/cphc.200301044 | unige:3257 | Abstract | Article HTML | Article PDF
In the three-dimensional oxalate network structures of composition [CoxMII1-x(bpy)3][MICr(ox)3], the spin state of the [Cox(bpy)3]2+ complex can be tuned by means of chemical pressure. With MI=Na it is a classic high-spin complex. Substitution of Na by Li stabilises the complex and it becomes a spin-crossover complex. Dilution with MII=Fe reinforces this effect, and MII=Zn reverses it.



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