Interactive graphics and R
Base R

R does not, at this time, offer interactive (dynamic) graphics, in contrast to or other software for high interaction statistical work like or , S-plus has a few truly interactive functions, namely the brush() and spin() functions.

R has a few, rather basic functions namely the identify() and locator() functions. (details here).

Special packages

Note that there is a lot of development going on in this area, the information below is certainly incomplete and likely to be quickly outdated

There are several packages that offer interactive graphics for their specific purpose, they often require the installation of additional libraries inside and software libraries outside R, but these packages are self-contained, as R has not been conceived for interactive graphics. Examples of this are:

Other packages rely on web-based technologies (html5, javascripit) using a browser for easy sharing, display and interaction. Most packages, when run within Rstudio, display the interactive charts in the Rstudio viewer window. Examples are:

Connections with other pieces of software

The current path to highly interactive data analysis uses R together with other software.

There is also more and more software that has a data interface with R, i.e. it uses R to provide data and some additional facilities. Two interesting examples of this are and .

Software projects/alternative GUIs

Several software projects are underway to provide a more complete graphical user interface to R and adding interactive graphics to R. Be aware that the native graphics system of R is not affected by this, i.e. to get the interaction you have to use the specific functions provided.

A good example of this is the package iplots, integrated into JGR ("Jaguar-R) a Java based alternative user interface. More recently the Deducer project has added a menu driven analysis interface to the JGR environment[Deducer].

Rstudio manipulate package lets you modify graphical options of a particular chart.

Other projects