

EDA has been adapted to work on HB under Multics at the CICG (Center interuniversitaire de Calcul Grenoble) for the BDSP (Banque de donnees socio-politiques) and the CICG.

For details contact Bernard Rapacchi at the CICG.

The first EDA implementation for HB/Multics has been done by Bernard Bretagnolle (level 1.2). The current version has been implemented by Bernard Rapacchi (using a not-quite standard fortran compiler). Many thanks also to Bernard Bouhet and Frederic Bon of the BDSP and Bernard Maillot of the CICG.


(Written by Bernard Rapacchi, CICG)

The EDA software has been converted for use on Honeywell Multics computers by the University of Grenoble Computing center (Centre InterUniversitaire de Calcul Grenoble, France). On this site EDA is linked under the directory ">am", so if this directory is in the default search rules of your site, the command to invoke EDA under Multics is "eda".

The standard WA size on Multics is 350 variables by 700 cases. The main differences to other versions are due to the special meaning of some special characters under Multics. Therefore you have to change these characters in this documentation. You should replace:

      #  by  :
      \  by  {
      :  by  ;
Take also care when using the command line editor when typing @; as this character is the kill character type \@.

The print file created by the PRINT command has a time based name:


This segment is automatically spooled in the printer queue and deleted at the end of the session, unless the NOPRINT parameter is present.

Input-output errors: I/O errors normally are diagnosed with a complete explanation given by the system. A typical MULTICS error occurs, when you call an old segment and this segment does not exist, then the following message is displayed:

These two open attributes are mutually exclusive.

Whenever the symbols ".." are encountered on columns 1 and 2 of an EDA command line the line is submitted to the current command_processor for processing and the returns to EDA.

The suffixes for EDA data segments are ".edas" for the symbolic files and ".edab" for binary files. The following command:

*write eda symbolic "vote"

writes a segment named "voted.edas" under the current working_dir; this segment may be read in by

*read eda "vote"

With MULTICS the EOF condition is entered by typing \f.

In case of a zero divide the computation is stopped and eda returns to command level, expecting a new EDA command. In case of arithmetic underflow the value is replaced by 0 (zero) and computation continues; at the end of EDA, the number of underflows is printed out; if during execution more than 100 underflows occur the number is displayed.

The QUIT/STOP command has an additional synonym "q" having an additional parameter delimited by < > including at most four characters indicating des destination for the "dprint" command issued at the end of an EDA session. For example if you quit typing:

q <502>

the dprint command is called by

dp -ds 502 -dl -nep ...


In addition at the CICG-Multics site, a graphic system may be connected to EDA, using the Tektronix Plot 10 Interactive Graphic Library. The command to call this system is "IGL". Please consult the documentation found in the segment:
