Ideal point estimates for the Swiss lower house

Below you will find ideal point estimates calulated with the help of Keith Pooles's DW-Nominate fortran code and the R-packages wnominate and pscl.

DW-Nominate scores for the 42nd-47th legislative period of the Swiss lower house (based on all published votes)

If you use this data, please cite the following article:

          Hug, Simon and Tobias Schulz. Left-Right Positions of Political Parties in Switzerland Party Politics (2007) 13(3) 305-330.

nominate scores in txt-format

Nominate scores and IDEAL estimates for the 45th legislative period of the Swiss lower house (based on all recorded votes)


Number of Legislators:    220 (0 legislators deleted)
Number of Votes:          2451 (339 votes deleted)
Number of Dimensions:     2
Predicted Yeas:           196666 of 208148 (94.5%) predictions correct
Predicted Nays:           117705 of 131416 (89.6%) predictions correct
Correct Classifiction:    91.55% 92.58%
APRE:                     0.747 0.778
GMP:                      0.813 0.837 

The first 10 legislator estimates are:
              coord1D coord2D
Legislator 1    0.666  -0.107
Legislator 2   -0.699   0.259
Legislator 3   -0.629  -0.075
Legislator 4    0.820   0.573
Legislator 5   -0.673   0.301
Legislator 6    0.538  -0.109
Legislator 7   -0.630   0.006
Legislator 8    0.204  -0.678
Legislator 9   -0.747  -0.001
Legislator 10   0.445  -0.309

If you use this data, please cite the following two papers:

          Hug, Simon and Tobias Schulz. Left-Right Positions of Political Parties in Switzerland Party Politics (2007) 13(3) 305-330.

          Hug, Simon and Danielle Martin. How electoral systems affect MPs positions Paper prepared for preseentation at the Annual meeting of the American political science association, Toronto, September 2009.

nominate scores in csv-format


IDEAL point estimates in csv-format

Nominate scores and IDEAL estimates for the 46th legislative period of the Swiss lower house (based on all recorded votes)



Number of Legislators:    212 (0 legislators deleted)
Number of Votes:          2743 (484 votes deleted)
Number of Dimensions:     2
Predicted Yeas:           232118 of 244590 (94.9%) predictions correct
Predicted Nays:           146534 of 161373 (90.8%) predictions correct
Correct Classifiction:    92.19% 93.27%
APRE:                     0.769 0.801
GMP:                      0.822 0.85 

The first 10 legislator estimates are:
              coord1D coord2D
Legislator 1    0.859  -0.513
Legislator 2   -0.077   0.362
Legislator 3    0.338   0.535
Legislator 4    0.476   0.036
Legislator 5   -0.736   0.009
Legislator 6    0.519   0.480
Legislator 7    0.419   0.455
Legislator 8    0.870  -0.492
Legislator 9   -0.645   0.066
Legislator 10   0.484   0.434

If you use this data, please cite the following two papers:

          Hug, Simon and Tobias Schulz. Left-Right Positions of Political Parties in Switzerland Party Politics (2007) 13(3) 305-330.

          Hug, Simon and Danielle Martin. How electoral systems affect MPs positions Paper prepared for preseentation at the Annual meeting of the American political science association, Toronto, September 2009.

nominate scores in csv-format


IDEAL point estimates in csv-format

Nominate scores and IDEAL estimates for the 47th legislative period of the Swiss lower house (based on all recorded votes)

Below you will find the summary of the R-output.


Number of Legislators:    225 *0 legislators deleted(
Number of Votes:          3356 *409 votes deleted(
Number of Dimensions:     2
Predicted Yeas:           304994 of 318827 *95.7%( predictions correct
Predicted Nays:           203872 of 220762 *92.3%( predictions correct
Correct Classifiction:    92.87% 94.31%
APRE:                     0.795 0.836
GMP:                      0.838 0.867 

The first 10 legislator estimates are>
              coord1D coord2D
Legislator 1    0.863  -0.505
Legislator 2    0.362   0.488
Legislator 3   -0.482  -0.092
Legislator 4    0.473   0.407
Legislator 5    0.202   0.876
Legislator 6   -0.611  -0.268
Legislator 7   -0.588  -0.141
Legislator 8   -0.469   0.129
Legislator 9   -0.521  -0.040
Legislator 10   0.464   0.384

If you use this data, please cite the following two papers:

          Hug, Simon and Tobias Schulz. Left-Right Positions of Political Parties in Switzerland Party Politics (2007) 13(3) 305-330.
Hug, Simon and Danielle Martin. How electoral systems affect MPs positions Paper prepared for preseentation at the Annual meeting of the American political science association, Toronto, September 2009.

nominate scores in csv-format

IDEAL point estimates csv-format