
The Holy Spirit and the Church according to the New Testament - imgThe Holy Spirit and the Church according to the New Testament

Sixth International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars, Belgrade, August 25 to 31, 2013
Ed. by Predrag Dragutinovic, Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, and James Buchanan Wallace in co-operation with Christos Karakolis

[Der Heilige Geist und die Kirche im Neuen Testament. Sechstes Internationales Ost-West Symposium der Neutestamentler, Belgrad, 25.-31. August 2013.]
2016. IX, 516 Seiten.

Published in English

See publication on the publisher's website

2010_Gospel_Images_Jesus_Christ_blanc.jpgGospel Images of Jesus Christ in Church Tradition and in Biblical Scholarship

Fifth International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars, Minsk, September 2 to 9, 2010
Ed. by Christos Karakolis, Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr and Sviatoslav Rogalsky

[Die Jesus-Christus-Darstellung der Evangelien in den kirchlichen Traditionen und in der Bibelwissenschaft. Fünfte internationale orthodox-westliche Exegetenkonferenz, Minsk, 2. bis 9. September 2010.]

Published in English

See publication on the publisher's website


2007_Das_Gebet_im_Neuen_Testament_blanc.jpgDas Gebet im Neuen Testament

Vierte europäische orthodox-westliche Exegetenkonferenz in Sambata de Sus, 4.-8. August 2007
Hrsg. v. Hans Klein, Vasile Mihoc u. Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr unter Mitarb. v. Christos Karakolis

Der Band gibt in seinem ersten Teil die Vorträge der Vierten europäischen orthodox-westlichen Exegetenkonferenz vom 4. - 8. August 2007 im Brancoveanu-Kloster Sambata de Sus (Rumänien) wieder. Thema der Konferenz war das Gebet im Neuen Testament als Grundlage und Bezugspunkt für die unterschiedlichen Gebetstraditionen der Kirchen in Ost und West.
Der zweite Teil des Bandes vereinigt weitere Studien zum Themenkreis des Gebets im Alten und Neuen Testament, im antiken Judentum und in der Alten Kirche.
Die Symposien von orthodoxen und "westlichen" (evangelischen und katholischen) Neutestamentlern widmen sich methodischen und hermeneutischen Grundfragen der biblischen Exegese.

Mit Beiträgen von:
Urs von Arx, Christfried Böttrich, Dimitrij F. Bumazhnov, James D.G. Dunn, Christos Karakolis, Hans Klein, Konstantinos Kornarakis, Thomas J. Kraus, Hermut Löhr, Vasile Mihoc, Tobias Nicklas, Karl-Heinrich Ostmeyer, Barbara Schmitz, Franz Tóth, Konstantinos Zarras

See publication on the publisher's website

2005_Einheit_der_Kirche_im_Neuen_Testament_blanc.jpgEinheit der Kirche im Neuen Testament

Dritte europäische orthodox-westliche Exegetenkonferenz in Sankt Petersburg, 24.-31. August 2005
Hrsg. v. Anatoly A. Alexeev, Christos Karakolis u. Ulrich Luz u. Mitarb. v. Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr

[The Unity of the Church in the New Testament. The Third European Orthodox-West Symposium of Exegetes in St. Petersburg from August 24 to August 31, 2005.]

Published in German.

This collection of essays includes papers given at the Third European Orthodox-Western Symposium of Biblical Scholars in St. Petersburg (Russia). The Symposium is part of the activities of the Eastern Europe Liaison Committee of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Main topics of the essays are: Unity and Diversity of the Church in the New Testament; The Eucharist according to the New Testament; The Mission of the Church in the New Testament and Today.

See publication on the publisher's website

2001_Alte_Testament_christliche_Bibel_blanc.jpgDas Alte Testament als christliche Bibel in orthodoxer und westlicher Sicht

Zweite europäische orthodox-westliche Exegetenkonferenz im Rilakloster vom 8.-15. September 2001
Hrsg. v. Ivan Z. Dimitrov, James D.G. Dunn, Ulrich Luz u. Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr

[The Old Testament as a Christian Bible from an Orthodox and a Western Point of View. The Second European Orthodox-Western Symposium of Biblical Scholars in Rila from September 8 - 15, 2001.]

Published in German.

This collection of essays includes papers given at the Second European Orthodox-Western Symposium of Biblical Scholars in Rila, Bulgaria. It also contains summaries of the discussions which took place in the various groups and formulates the different perspectives in the dialog between orthodox and "Western" biblical scholars. The book deals with the Old Testament in the Christian tradition, the Old Testament in the New Testament and in ancient Judaism, the canon of the Old Testament as well as Messianic texts and their Christian interpretation from an orthodox, Catholic and Protestant perspective.

See publication on the publisher's website

1998_Auslegung_der_Bibel_blanc.jpgAuslegung der Bibel in orthodoxer und westlicher Perspektive

Akten des west-östlichen Neutestamentler-/innen-Symposiums von Neamt vom 4.-11. September 1998
Hrsg. v. James D.G. Dunn, Hans Klein, Ulrich Luz u. Vasile Mihoc

[The Interpretation of the Bible from an Orthodox and a Western Point of View. Records of the Symposium of New Testament Scholars from East and West held in Neamt from Sept. 4 - 11, 1998. Edited by James D.G. Dunn, Hans Klein, Ulrich Luz und Vasile Mihoc.]

Published in German.

In the autumn of 1998 a first symposium of orthodox, Catholic and Protestant New Testament scholars was held in the Theological Academy of the Neamt monastery in Romania. Well-known scholars from Eastern and Western Europe dealt with fundamental questions of biblical hermeneutics. Their purpose was not to ignore their confessional preconceptions but rather to use them for understanding the Bible. The articles represent an ecumenical dialog and a new search for a Christological hermeneutics which wishes to see the New Testament today as a book of the church. The texts are in German or English, and a short summary of each text is given in the other language.

See publication on the publisher's website