Scientific Computing
An introduction using Maple and MATLAB

Walter Gander, Martin J. Gander, Felix Kwok

Published by Springer Verlag

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:: Authors of the book

Prof. Dr. Martin J. Gander

Martin J. Gander, born January 12, 1967, from Saanen (BE), Switzerland. Education: Diploma in Computer Science ETH Zürich1994; Master in Mathematics from Stanford University 1995; PhD in Scientific Computing and Computational Mathematics from Stanford University 1997, supervisor A.M. Stuart. Postdoctoral Fellow at Ecole Polytechnique in Paris from 1998-1999. Assistant and associate professor with tenure at McGill University in Montreal from 1999-2004. Since then full Professor of Mathematics at the University of Geneva. Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science since 2009.

Research interests: Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra and Parallel Computing, Preconditioning.

Dr. Felix Kwok

Felix Kwok, from Hong Kong. Education: BSc in Joint Honours Mathematics and Computer Science and BEng in Computer Engineering at McGill University in 2002, then PhD in Scientific Computing/Computational Mathematics at Stanford University in 2008, under the supervision of Prof. H. Tchelepi. From 2008 to 2014, he was part of Prof. M.J. Gander's research group at the University of Geneva, first as a postdoctoral assistant, then as a collaborateur scientifique. In fall 2014, he became an assistant professor at Hong Kong Baptist University.

Research interests: Scientific computing, numerical methods for linear and nonlinear PDEs, numerical linear algebra, parallel computing, large-scale simulation, applications in physics and engineering.
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