Conference on
Scientific Computation

June 26 - 29, 2002

Celebrating Gerhard Wanner's
60th birthday


This meeting is concerned with scientific computation - theoretical aspects as well as applications to practical problems. The emphasis will be on the numerical solution of ordinary, partial, stochastic, and functional differential equations, geometric numerical integration, etc.


There will be about twelve invited keynote speakers (see here), contributed talks, and poster sessions.


We intend to have a meeting without registration fees for all participants (thus encouraging young researchers to take part). If you need a visa, try to get multiple entry for Switzerland and for France (Switzerland is not in the Schengen area). Excursions to the french Alps are planned.


If you are interested in participating at the conference, please register as soon as possible.

For more information, please contact or at

Ernst Hairer
Section de Mathématiques
2-4 rue du Lièvre
CH-1211 Genève 24

Sponsors of the conference