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Mathematics plays a key role in understanding the world around us, both through its connections to science and in its processes of rational thought. The pace of development of modern mathematics is staggering and yet the general public is by and large left in the dark, leaving a huge gulf beltween the world of professionals and others.

Among the problems faced in attempting to bridge this gap are the abstract nature of the subject, the fact that it builds internally on itself, the bad experience many have at school leading to math block and the social acceptability of failure at mathematics.

Together with Hugo Parlier I wrote an interactive book for iPad called Mathema, aimed at non-mathematicians, whose goal is to convey the true mathematical experience by engaging the reader in accessible but authentic mathematics. It is much more than a book and interactive activities play a central part in the experience.

Mathema en francais disponible sur l'App Store

" interactive book, that is engaging, interesting, well written, and attractively designed, that conveys mathematics as its practitioners and enthusiasts see it: beautiful and creative..."
- mathrecreation

"One of the most thoughtful math apps created"
- App Ed

"...a new interactive book app, unprecedented in its usability and functionality as a popular science text."
- Calculate