Submit a Document

Archive ouverte UNIGE allows members of the institution to archive for the long term and to disseminate free of charge their scientific publications according to several levels of dissemination (open, restricted or closed access), possibly with an embargo period, in compliance with the publishing contracts.


New submission portal

Tip: When you first log in, remember to set up your profile (access icon at the top right). You can for example add your affiliation entity, your research group, and subscribe to email notifications.

This includes all scientific publications:

  • Scientific articles, professional articles and journal issues
  • Books, book chapters and contributions to dictionaries/encyclopedias
  • Conference proceedings, chapters of proceedings, presentations and posters
  • Theses and masters
  • Reports, working papers and preprints

Please note that deposited documents must go through a validation process and do not appear immediately in Archive ouverte.

Access to the deposit forms is limited to members of the UNIGE community.


