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Most useful databases


Reference bibliographic database for researches in chemistry and related sciences ; reseach by topic, substance (name, drawing, molecular formula...) or reaction.


Multidisciplinary scientific database with citation metrics (citation reports, h-index…)


Compounds, substances, and bioassays databases, including links to bibliographical references in PubMed



Articles researches :

Espacenet European patent office
Medline via Ovid Another way to access Medline, the main database of PubMed
PubMed THE portal for biomedical literature. The controlled vocabulary MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) allows very accurate researches

Data Search for substances or chemical reactions :

Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre CCDC - CSD

Crystal Structure Database of organic and organometallic compounds
Contact Céline Besnard to get full access to CSD

Data Activities in Crystallography

IUCr crystallographic resources

Hazardous substances data bank HSDB

More than 5000 technical notices on potentially hazardous substances


Inorganic Crystal Structures Database
Contact Céline Besnard to get full access to ICSD

Merck index

Encyclopedia of drugs, chemicals and biologicals : physical data, preparation, use, toxicity...

Organic Syntheses

Detailed procedures for organic synthesis methods

PubChem Biological and chemical compounds database with links to PubMed bibliographical references
Spectral database for organic compounds SDBS Database for FT-IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-RMN, MS, Raman, ESR spectra
WebBook de chimie NIST Thermochemical data for compounds and reactions ; various spectra

More resources

Editeurs de structures chimiques :


ChemBioDraw Ultra 


Logiciel pour Windows et MacOS.
La nouvelle version permet de lancer directement une recherche dans SciFinder.

Alternatives gratuites

ACD/ChemSketch Logiciel gratuit pour Windows et Linux
KnwoItAll Academic Edition Logiciel gratuit pour Windows qui permet également de faire des analyses de spectres
Marvin Suite Logiciel gratuit pour Windows, MacOS et Linux. Certaines fonctions avancées sont payantes