Swisscovery in 4 key questions
It is now more than 3 months since the new swisscovery catalogue was launched. You will find below essential information in 4 key questions
How is searching in swisscovery organized?
From swisscovery UNIGE, you can browse collections with a choice of 3 search scopes:
- Swisscovery UNIGE: collections of the UNIGE Library (BUNIGE)
- Swisscovery Geneva: collections of Geneva's scientific libraries (BUNIGE, HES-GE, IHEID, BGE, BAA, CJBG, MEG, MHN, State Archives, City of Geneva Archives, WCC, Watermark, Judiciary, etc.).
- Swisscovery: collections of the Swiss scientific libraries affiliated to the Swiss Library Platform Service (SLSP) network (BUNIGE, HES, EPFL, ETHZ, BCU Fribourg, etc.).
What does swisscovery UNIGE provide access to?
After signing in with your personal account (registering online is required), you benefit from the following services:
- Consulting references of printed (books, magazines, etc.) and multimedia documents ;
- Accessing the full text of electronic articles and journals;
- Accessing ebooks;
- Accessing documents deposited in the Archive ouverte UNIGE (AoU);
- Requesting scans of articles or partial copies of other documents available in some UNIGE Library collections;
- Ordering printed or digital documents from other libraries, either directly from the record of the document found in swisscovery or via the ILL service (interlibrary loan). This service is free of charge for all documents retrieved in person in one of our sites.
What are the new loan conditions?
You can borrow up to 100 items at the same time for a period of up to 6 months (28 days automatically renewed 5 times, if the document has not been requested otherwise).
The loan conditions (return, delay and fees) as well as the rates for services on swisscovery are detailed on the borrowing and consultation page and in the Rules for the use of the UNIGE Library collections, which we advise you to read carefully.
How can I learn to use it?
Every semester, the library team offers "Rendez-vous de l'info scientifique" dedicated to swisscovery. You can also address your questions to the Research Help service.
To find a selection of resources focused on your academic discipline, please consult the subject area pages.
Please do not hesitate to contact librarians if you have any further questions !
March 21, 2021Archive of News - 2021