7.09 ¦ opening hours
The sites of the Library of the University of Geneva will be open on Thursday, September 7 for the jeûne genevois Day from 9am to 6pm:
- Uni Arve - Sciences II
- Uni Bastions Espaces Battelle D, computer sciences (CUI) and Jura
- Uni CMU
- Uni Mail
The UNIGE Library sites (Uni Arve - Sciences II, Uni Bastions - Espaces Battelle D, including computer sciences collections (CUI) and Jura, Uni CMU and Uni Mail) will be open during reduced hours: 9am to 6pm.
The satellite libraries attached to Uni Arve site: Mathématiques (G. de Rham), Observatoire de Sauverny et des Sciences de l'environnement (ISE, Carl-Vogt) will be closed all day on Thursday 7 September..
August 22, 2023Archive of News - 2023