Welcome days: Library program
Welcome to the University of Geneva Library!
Welcome Days is a warm and festive week during which new students receive all the information they need to prepare for their first year at university in the best possible conditions. This year, Welcome Days will take place from Monday 11 to Thursday 14 September. Student Mobility Day will take place on Friday 15 September.
The Library is taking part in this pre-start week with a number of activities:
- INFORMATION STAND in the Uni Dufour lobby: we'll answer all your questions! From Monday 11 to Thursday 14 September. Opening hours: 10am-11am, 12pm-1.30pm. A virtual information stand is also available on the WD platform.
- PRESENTATION OF THE LIBRARY in U600 (Uni Dufour hall): from Monday 11 to Thursday 14 September, meet at 1.30 p.m. in the main auditorium (access by the staircase, on the right as you enter the building from the main entrance) for a presentation that will help you get started straight away!
- CAMPUS VISITS including a visit to a Library site: campus visits with advanced students in small groups to discover the main buildings on campus, in particular the site where the collections in your field of study are located. Several visits are organised each day. Please register directly on the WD platform: http://www.unige.ch/etudiants/welcomedays
- VISITS TO 2 LIBRARY SITES (excluding campus visits) : Visits for students in medicine and pharmaceutical sciences or literature and theology (Please note that the literature and theology collections are spread over 2 areas (Jura and Battelle D) on the Uni Bastions site.
- Tuesday 12 September, 2 visits (at 3pm and 3.30pm) to the Uni CMU site (Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences Collections)
- Friday 15 September, 1 visit at 3pm to the Uni Bastions site, Espace Battelle (Carouge - Bât. D), History, Art History, Musicology, East Asian Studies, Mesopotamian Studies, Egyptology, Classical Archaeology Collections.
>> Link to registration form: http://dis.unige.ch/urls/wd23-visites-fr
- LIBRARY TOURS (excluding campus visits) in English: these tours are organised on Friday 15th, the day on which visiting students are welcomed. They are therefore primarily reserved for this group. However, if there are still places available (number of registrants directly visible on the form below), do not hesitate to register.
>> Link to the registration form: https://dis.unige.ch/urls/wd23-library-tours
- SWISSCOVERY WORKSHOPS: swisscovery UNIGE is the catalogue that provides access to all the printed documents (books, journals, newspapers, etc.) and digital documents (ebooks, electronic journals, databases, etc.) offered by the University of Geneva Library. These sessions, reserved primarily for new students, will familiarise you with this tool so that you can make the most of it. You will also learn about the range of services available through the Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP). Monday to Friday: 11am to 11.45am, 20 people, Uni Mail (training room 2220)
>> Link to the registration form: https://dis.unige.ch/urls/wd23-swisscovery
Full program : http://www.unige.ch/etudiants/welcomedays
August 30, 2023Archive of News - 2023