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ORCID & publications list for your CV (Faculty of Medicine)


Goal: to complete the "ORCID" and "Research Outputs: Publication and Indicators" sections of the new Faculty CV for Medicine.

Description : The Faculty of Medicine launched a new CV template in March 2021. This workshop provides tips on how to retrieve and complete certain sections of this CV from the Archive ouverte UNIGE, Google Scholar and ORCID.

Public : anyone who is required to complete the new faculty CV

Prerequisite: None

Format :

  • 30-minute presentation
  • takes place online via Zoom
  • registration required (below)

Program :

  • Knowing or creating your ORCID number for the faculty CV
  • Populate your ORCID profile from PubMed
  • Retrieve the references of the 5 most significant publications and their Open Access link from the open archive
  • Retrieve various bibliometric indicators from Google Scholar (H-index, citations, graphs)

Subjects : scientific publications, ORCID, researcher ID, Curriculum Vitae, bibliometric indicators

Registration required (see below)
