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En séminaire
Descriptif du cours: Formal methods in philosophy
Enderton, H. (1977), Elements of Set Theory, Elsevier Science
Boolos, G. (2012), Computability and Logic, Cambridge University Press
Cotnoir, A. J., Varzi, A. (2021), Mereology, Oxford University Press
Landin, J. (2012), An Introduction to Algebraic Structures, Dover Publications
Kuratowski, K. (1972), Introduction to Set Theory and Topology, Pergamon
Bacon, B. (2023), A Philosophical Introduction to Higher-Order Logic, Routledge
Priest, G. (2012), An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic, Cambridge University Press
Descriptif du cours: Introduction à la philosophie moderne: Descartes
Bennett, J. (2001). Learning from Six Philosophers. Oxford University Press.
Jolley, N. (1990). The Light of the Soul. Oxford University Press
Clarke, D. (2003). Descartes's Theory of Mind. Oxford University Press
Descriptif du cours: Introduction à la philosophie de l'esprit
Greco, J. et Sosa, E. (dir.) (2004). The Blackwell Guide to Epistemology. Oxford: Blackwell
Pollock, J. et Cruz, J. (1999). Contemporary Theories of Knowledge. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield
Pritchard, D. (2014). What is this Thing Called Knowledge? New York: Routledge
Steup, M. et Sosa, E. (dir.) (2005). Contemporary Debates in Epistemology. Oxford: Blackwell
Williamson, T. (2004). Knowledge and its Limits. New York: Oxford University Press
Descriptif du séminaire: Emotions
Brady, M. (2014), Emotional insight, Oxford University Press
Deonna, J. et F. Teroni (2012), The emotions, Routledge
Roberts, R. C. (2003). Emotions: An essay in aid of moral psychology. Cambridge University Press
Roberts, R. (2013). Emotions in the Moral Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Goldie, P. (2000). The Emotions. A Philosophical Exploration. Oxford: Clarendon Press
Price, C. (2015). Emotion. Cambridge: Polity Press
Tappolet, C. (2016). Emotions, Values and Agency. New York: Oxford University Press
Ouvrages de référence
Routledge companion to Aesthetics
Routledge companion to Ancient philosophy
Ashgate companion to Contemporary philosophy of physics
Routledge companion to Eighteenth century philosophy
Routledge handbook of Embodied cognition
Routledge companion to Free will
Routledge handbook of Metaethics
Routledge handbook of Metaphysical grounding
Routledge companion to Metaphysics
Routledge handbook of Neoplatonism
Routledge companion to Nineteenth century philosophy
Routledge companion to Phenomenology
Routledge handbook of Philosophy of empathy
Routledge handbook of Philosophy of imagination
Routledge companion to Philosophy of language
Routledge companion to Philosophy of medicine
Routledge handbook of Philosophy of memory
Routledge handbook of Philosophy of pain
Routledge companion to Philosophy of science
Routledge companion to Philosophy of social science
Routlegde handbook of Philosophy of well-being
Routledge companion to Seventeenth century philosophy
Routledge companion to Sixteenth century philosophy
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