Current Specific Research Projects

Chapter 10 :The "mirror of the soul": The Expression component

Authors : K. R. Scherer & J. R. J. Fontaine

Abstract : Emotions are often recognized on the basis of typical expression patterns. We operationalized this component by features representing mostly facial and vocal expression. The separate analysis of these features yielded three facial factors (FROWN VS SMILE, JAW DROP/EYEBROWS UP, and EYES CLOSED/TEARS), and two vocal factors (VOCAL ENERGY and FIRM VS PERTURBED SPEECH). The reflection of these factors in the four overall dimensions of the emotion domain confirms the suggestion from earlier research that facial expression is best suited for communicating emotional valence whereas vocal expression is better able to convey the affective dimensions of arousal and of power. Entering the combination of the three facial and two vocal factors into a multiple discriminant analysis yields a respectable rate of 57% classification accuracy

Keywords : facial expression vocal expression gestures

Ch 10 - Figure SM 1.pdf
Ch 10 - Figure SM 2.pdf
Ch 10 - Table SM 1.pdf
Ch 10 - Table SM 2.pdf
Ch 10 - Table SM 3.pdf
Ch 10 - Table SM 4.pdf
Ch 10 - Table SM 5.pdf
Ch 10 - Table SM 6.pdf
Ch 10 - Table SM 7.pdf
Ch 10 - Table SM 8.pdf