Current Specific Research Projects

Chapter 11 :Emotion is for doing: The Action tendency component

Authors : J. R. J. Fontaine & K. R. Scherer

Abstract : We explain the operationalization of the Action tendency component based on Frijda's action readiness theory. The action tendencies of approach, avoidance, being-with, attending, rejection, indifference, antagonism, interruption, dominance, submission, apathy, excitement, exuberance, passivity, inhibition, and helplessness were represented in the GRID instrument. Structural analyses on these action tendencies revealed a three-factor structure with a strong first factor representing DEFENSIVE VS APPETITIVE action tendencies, and two subsidiary factors representing DISENGAGEMENT VS INTERVENTION and SUBMIT VS ATTACK action tendencies. The first action tendency factor was strongly related to the overall VALENCE factor. The two subsidiary factors were both associated with the overall POWER factor. It was possible to correctly classify 46.1% of the emotion terms in the 34 samples on the basis of the three action tendency factors. The analyses confirm that action tendencies form a constitutive part of the meaning of emotion terms.

Keywords : Action tendencies defensive action tendencies appetitive action tendencies

Ch 11 -Table SM 1.pdf
Ch 11 -Table SM 2.pdf
Ch 11 -Table SM 3.pdf