Current Specific Research Projects

Chapter 12 :Driving the emotion process: The Appraisal component

Authors : K. R. Scherer & J. R. J. Fontaine

Abstract : The theoretical framework underlying the GRID approach (Component Process Model) suggests that the results of subjective event appraisal drive the changes in all other components in the emotion episode. Thus one would expect to find a high degree of differentiation in the structure of this component. This is confirmed once the powerful influence of a valence superfactor is partialed out of the features. In addition to the VALENCE APPRAISAL factor, six additional factors are identified: NOVELTY/ CHANCE CAUSE, COPING ABILITY, EXPECTED/ FAMILIAR, GOAL RELEVANCE, NORM VIOLATION, and SELF VS OTHER CAUSE. These factors contribute substantially to the overall emotion dimension with the exception of the POWER dimension. The claim that appraisal is at the basis of emotion differentiation, including meaning, is supported by the result that the 7 appraisal factors allow correct classification of 57% of the cases in a discriminant analysis.

Keywords : appraisal VALENCE coping potential NOVELTY goal relevance causal attribution expectation norm violation

Ch 12 - Figure SM 1.pdf
Ch 12 - Figure SM 2.pdf
Ch 12 - Table SM 1.pdf
Ch 12 - Table SM 2.pdf
Ch 12 - Table SM 3.pdf