Current Specific Research Projects

Chapter 22 :Types of anger in Spanish and Russian

Authors : C. Soriano, J. R. J. Fontaine, A. Ogarkova, C. Mejía Quijano, Y. Volkova, S. Ionova & V. Shakhovskyy

Abstract : This chapter investigates the internal structure of the category “anger” in Spanish and Russian and its cross-cultural stability looking at the meaning of several anger lexemes in Spain, Colombia, Russia and Ukraine. The most salient terms in the lexicalization of anger experiences in Spanish and Russian do not form one single family, but split into two. The first and larger cluster (with words like gnev, zlost, ira or rabia, considered central to the category in their respective languages) refers to a high-power, expressive, confrontational form of anger. The second cluster (with words related to frustration and resentment/hurt) reflects a less expressive form of anger, with feelings of low-power, emotion-concealing behavior, and a preference for withdrawal. These two anger types can be provisionally labeled “high-power/ active” and “low-power/ passive” anger. Differences in the meaning of the Spanish word molesto are also observed between Spain and Colombia.Anger lexicalization, category structure, Russian, Spanish, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Colombia, POWER, cross-cultural differences

Keywords : Anger lexicalization category structure Russian Spanish Russia Ukraine Spain Colombia POWER cross-cultural differences

Ch 22 - Table SM 1.pdf