Current Specific Research Projects

Chapter 39 :Emotion term semantics in Russian-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Russian bilinguals

Authors : A. Ogarkova, I. Prihod’ko & J. Zakharova

Abstract : This chapter investigates emotional meaning construction in two bilingual groups: native (L1) speakers of Russian and Ukrainian from the same region (city of Kyiv, Ukraine), from the same social group (university students), and with the same age, and comparable cultural exposure. Given these similarities and the typological affinity of the languages at stake, the expectation was that the meaning profiles of emotion terms obtained from both groups would exhibit no, or minimal differences. However, this expectation is only partially confirmed by the data, as distinct and pattern-like differences emerge between the samples in emotion regulation. Specifically, negative emotion terms (including opposing interpersonal terms such as anger or hate, and fear-related terms) score robustly higher on emotional control in the L1 Russian group than in the L1 Ukrainian group. The chapter concludes with a discussion of three possible post hoc interpretations of this pattern. 

Keywords : emotion term semantics bilinguals Russian Ukrainian emotion regulation

Ch 39 - Table SM 1.pdf
Ch 39 - Table SM 2.pdf