Current Specific Research Projects

Chapter 40 :The vocal expression component in the meanings of Russian, Ukrainian, and US English emotion terms

Authors : J. Zakharova & A. Ogarkova

Abstract : The chapter highlights the potential of the GRID method to reveal the degree of similarity and variation in the vocal expression component in the meaning profiles of emotion terms in Ukrainian and Russian (typologically close languages), and in US English (typologically non-related to them). Voice loudness is found to discriminate most between the Russian and the Ukrainian samples. Both Slavic languages differ most from English in three categories of vocal cues – voice loudness, voice quality, and speech melody. The chapter concludes with a discussion of these results and the empirical research on vocal emotional expression.

Keywords : Emotional prosody prosodic cues vocal emotional expression

Ch 40 - Figure SM 1.pdf
Ch 40 - Table SM 1.pdf
Ch 40 - Table SM 2.pdf
Ch 40 - Table SM 3.pdf