Current Specific Research Projects

Chapter 9 :Embodied emotions: The Bodily reaction component

Authors : K. R. Scherer & J. R. J. Fontaine

Abstract : The results of the statistical analyses of the bodily reaction features are described. Three cross-culturally stable component factors are identified: DISTRESS SYMPTOMS, AUTONOMIC AROUSAL, and BODY TEMPERATURE, accounting for 75.5% of the overall variance. These results confirm earlier hypotheses on bodily reaction patterning. Using the three factor scores as independent variables, 45.1% of the emotions can be correctly classified in a multiple discriminant analyses, suggesting that emotion word meanings reflect emotion-specific patterning of bodily reactions. We show evidence that the patterns of bodily reactions are well reflected in the major dimensions of feeling.

Keywords : embodiment distress symptoms autonomic arousal body temperature

Ch 9 - Figure SM 1.pdf
Ch 9 - Table SM 1.pdf
Ch 9 - Table SM 2.pdf