College Website

Who We Are

The Collège de théologie protestante is a partnership between the theology departments at the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the University of Lausanne (UNIL).

This joint initiative allows us to offer one of the best curriculums in theology.

Some of the key advantages include:

Mur des RéformateursBeing at the Historical Heart of the Calvinist Reformation

The Faculties of Theology of the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne were founded in the first half of the 16th century following the Reformation in French-speaking Switzerland.

Jean Calvin, Théodore de Bèze, Pierre Viret, Guillaume Farel: These are just a few of the renowned pioneers of the Reformation that were linked to our institutions from their very foundation. Since the 16th century, the faculties of French-speaking Switzerland have cultivated the spirit of the Reformation whilst integrating the Protestant faith in a challenging academic environment.

Des professeurs mondialement reconnusWorld-Renowned Professors

Thanks to the close collaboration between the two theology departments, four prestigious institutes are leading research: IRSB, IRSE, ILTP, IHR. They are at the forefront of their respective fields and are host to some of the most distinguished researchers and professors. Professor Thomas Römer is one of them. Designated the “Chair of the Hebrew Bible and Its Contexts” by the Collège de France, Professor Römer is also well known for his critically-acclaimed book, The Invention of God (Harvard University Press, 2015).

Le master à distancePioneer in Scholarly E-Learning

The first e-learning program in theology at the bachelor’s level was created in 1998—at the beginning of the Internet’s democratization. In keeping up with technological advancements, we have developed numerous educational tools, which we update constantly to address the needs of our students in an ever-changing, fast-paced world. This led us to include the master’s degree in our e-learning offering starting in September 2016. Backed by an expert in new training technologies, our professors teach students from all over the world at a premier level of academic excellence.

The leading-edge partnership between UNIGE and UNIL was signed on August 1, 2015.

The innovative agreement redefines how the Collège de théologie protestante will function and implements contemporary methods of theology instruction. From the courses and curricula to the planning and regulations, the partnership is bringing about exciting changes.

The Collège de théologie protestante is directed by two decision-making entities:

Both entities are supervised by a joint steering committee that brings together deans from the two partnering faculties.
