Welcome Center

The Welcome Center is a service of the University of Geneva and the University Hospitals of Geneva designed to facilitate the installation of future employees of these institutions and their families in the region.

The services of the Welcome Center are reserved for members of the academic staff of the University of Geneva (from post-doctoral level) and for the management staff of the University Hospitals of Geneva coming from another canton/country. Carrière2 supports the professional integration of the partners of researchers from the University of Geneva (post-doctoral level and above) who have recently settled in Geneva, regardless of their marital status.

Website :


Brochures :

Guide pratique de la vie quotidienne à Genève - version française

Praktischer Führer für den Alltag in Genf - Deutsch

Guida pratica per la vita quotidiana a Ginevra - Italien

Pratical guide to living in Geneva - English


Assurances sociales : séjour en Suisse et départ (informations à l'attention des ressortissants étrangers)

L'assurance-maladie obligatoire en bref : Vos questions, nos réponses


Sozialversicherungen : Aufenthalt in der Schweiz und Ausreise (Informationen für ausländische Staatsangehörige)

Die obligatorische Krankenversicherung kurz erklärt : Sie fragen - wir antworten


Assicurazioni sociali : soggiorno in Svizzera e partenza (Informazioni per i cittadini stranieri)

L'assicurazione malattie obbligatoria in due parole : Voi chiedete, noi rispondiamo


Swiss social insurance system : Sojourn in Switzerland and departure (Information for foreign nationals)

The compulsory health insurance in a nutshell : Your questions, our answers


Le logement en Suisse (Informations sur la location d'un appartement)

Living in Switzerland (All the information you need when renting a flat)