20 décembre 2011: Présentation du livre de Théodore Meron "The Making of International Criminal Justice A view from the Bench: Selected Speeches"
The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and Oxford University Press are pleased to invite you to the launch of
President Theodor Meron’s
President of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Presiding Judge of the Appeals
Chambers of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda ;
Charles L. Denison Professor Emeritus and Judicial Fellow at NYU Law School
new book
“The Making of International Criminal Justice A view from the Bench: Selected Speeches”
Tuesday 20 Dec. 2011 - 6.15 pm
Auditoire Jacques Freymond (AJF - The Graduate Institute) Rue de Lausanne 132, Geneva |
Professor Georges Abi-Saab
Honorary Professor of International Law of the Graduate Institute of International and Development
Studies, Geneva and former Judge on the Appeals Chambers of the International Criminal Tribunals
for the Former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda
Professor Andrew Clapham
Professor of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies,
Director of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights