Archives des actualités

5 novembre 2016 : Gaza : les étudiants plaident pour Israël et pour la Palestine

Gaza 604

The conflict in and around Gaza in July/August 2014, called by Israel « Operation Protective Edge », claimed many civilian victims and gave rise to numerous mutual accusations of violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

In the framework of the course on practice in international humanitarian law (IHL) given by Prof. Marco Sassòli at the Master level at the Law Faculty, students plead (mostly in English, but some of them in French), for Israel or for Palestine, arguing that the side they represent has respected IHL while the adverse side has violated IHL. These pleadings take place:

in Room MR 060 of Uni Mail (bd du Pont d’Arve 40)

on Saturday, 5 November 2016, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

in front of a jury composed of professor Marco Sassòli and Ms. Yvette Issar, assistant, both at the Faculty of Law.

Students (whose roles were attributed by the lot) will plead on issues such as:

  • The classification of the conflict and of Gaza as an occupied territory
  • Hamas rocket attacks and Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip
  • Were the Israeli warnings of the civilian population before its attacks sufficient?
  • Was the principle of proportionality respected and were all feasible precautions to avoid civilian deaths, injury and damages taken?
  • Was Israel obliged to permit humanitarian assistance to reach the Gaza Strip during the conflict?

The public is welcome to assist to the pleadings.

26 octobre 2016